popular color rabbits- poll

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Well, I for one own a rabbit that changes colors with the seasons. lol so I put other.

Spring: Brown
Summer: Pure white
Fall: Brown
Winter: Black
If you have more than 1 rabbit of the same coloryou can vote twice. If your have rabbits that are all different coloursyou may tick all that apply.

I'm guessing by "mixture" you mean broken...so I chose that one
Yes, by mixture i meant rabbits like the dutch etc, with more than one color in the coat

Mine had to be brown for my daughter. I would like a black bunny also. *flemishcough*

So.... anyhow..... my bunny could be pink with purple polka dots and I wouldn't love him any less! :cool:
I did a quick sampling of the "Post Pictures ofyour Rabbits Here" thread, and as the poll is reflecting, many of therabbits are a "broken/mixed" coloration. There was a rathereven representation of many of the other varieties including black,tortoise, harlequin marked, fawn, tan pattern, chestnut agouti, dutchmarked and white.

The popularity of each color also varies widely by breed.Tortoise is by far the most variety in the Holland Lops, while theAgouti colors are more common in the Mini and French Lops. InNew Zealands, the whites are the most popular. For pets, manypeople seem to prefer the "spotted" rabbits and typically avoid rabbitswith red eyes.

as pets, broken or dutch or other multi-colored sells the best, and brown seems to sell the worst.
lizabeth332 wrote:
as pets, broken or dutch or other multi-colored sells thebest, and brown seems to sell the worst.
Yes, I thinkbecause people want something that looks unique. You get soused to seeing brown rabbits around your yard....
VNess2010 wrote:
lizabeth332 wrote:
as pets,broken or dutch or other multi-colored sells the best, and brown seemsto sell the worst.
Yes, I think because people wantsomething that looks unique. You get so used to seeing brownrabbits around your yard....
That's EXACTLY why my daughter wanted Bo. She wanted a bunny that looked "real" lol......

I had a dwarf Hotot in my hands.......... :?
I love Brown Rabbits! lol.. Cinnamen is more ofmy Hair color which is cool! because if you put our hair together youcant tell where mine is! lol.. so shes a blonde color! lol

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