Poor Little Fuzzy Lop

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Laura wrote:
Well, he IS going out of town today and won't be back untilTuesday. Hmmmm.....

He actually told me part of him wants to say, "GO GETHER". He said I should stop talking about her because he'sfeeling sorry for her now.

I know I can't save them all, but this one really touched my heart.

Okay, Laura, I will translate the bold part for you since I'm pretty proficient in 'guyspeak' --

"Part of me wants to say 'GO GET HER'" = "I want you to get forfor me so I don't look like a big ol' softy. I may fuss alittle, but deep down inside she will be my 'baby bunny'"

"You should stop talking about her because I am feeling sorry forher now." = "Okay, you really need to get the bunny so I can get adecent night's sleep and stop worrying about her."

Hope this clears things up a little. ;)

:clap:Bless your heart, Jenniblu.

This is the first time I almost smiled today. You're transcription is 100% on target!

Hee hee! Thanks, Jenniblu.

I'm pretty sure I'm getting her today. My friend willprobably take her. Iasked Kevin what we would do ifthe friend changed her mind and he said, "We'll cross that bridge whenwe get there". Sounds like he's authorizingtheadoptionto me!

I'm sure, after this, I won't be allowed to keep any extra cages around! I have two now - well, one after today!


What a great sign!

Glad you're getting her. Good luck giving the little one up to your "friend!"


Take HER!!!!!!!

Take her, PLEASE!!!!

You are breaking my heart....if it was a human child, you wouldn't hesitate.....so why hesitate now?
I'm definitely picking her up today. Ileave work in 15 minutes! If my friend doesn't take her,someone at work is interested.

Zee, are any of your girls Fuzzy Lops?

I'll post more pics later.


Oh, you have to keep her!! She lovesyou already! Hubby will complain a bit, but trust me, he'llget over it. Shawn complained a bit when I got Lily and Abbywithout telling him first, but he got over it. He's in lovewith Abby. Hubby loves her too, he told you that "part" ofhim wanted you to get it, he love her. I have a big weaknessfor the fuzzy lops, I've almost brought 1 home on more then 1 occasion.

We're home! She's just settling intoher new cage. She's pretty nervous right now, but is nibblingon hay,eating a bit of food and drinking a little.When we got home, I opened the door to the carrier, hoping she wouldcome out and explore. She poked her head out once and thenshot right back in. I checked her over. She's inpretty good shape, but a lot of hair is missing from the back of herneck. The skin underneath looks healthy and I didn't feel anysores anywhere.

I will take some pics in a little while and post them.


FairyTailFuzzies wrote:
:clap:We'll need more pics tonight!:groupparty:

BTW - How much $$$$$$$$$$$$ were they asking for her?

I paid $30 for her. I had them call the breeder to get herbirth date. She was born March 15th, so she's still young andthey said she'd been there for a month.


Alot of fuzzy babies have thin fur behind theirhead - I call it the "chicken neck" look! That baby fuzz knots easilyor gets "groomed" off by thier littermates. As long as theskin looks nice and healthy I wouldn't worry. I'm so glad yougot her! Pics Please!

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