I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that S'more is finally starting to make a comeback.
Her eating and drinking are only about half of what they are normally,but she doing it on her own. We eased back on forcing fluid and pumpkinover the weekend and she started eating some hay, pellets and someoats. She also started to drink a little from her bottle every now andthen.
She even decided to eat some romaine and a couple of raisins over the weekend, too.
Her poops are almost normal size, but are very light brown (possiblyfrom all the meds we're giving her). And the quantity has increasedquite a bit. She also producing cecals that almost appear normal insize consistancy and color. Urine output has also increased.
That's my gurl!!!
She has started to sleep and lounge in her litter pan. I'm wondering ifshe has developed an aversion to her sleepie box because we had beenadministering her med while she was sitting in it. We stopped givingher meds in her cage because she has starting stuggling so much. Now wejust do a bunnie-burrito and it's a lot easier.
I also noticed that some of the meds have gotten on the inside of hersleepie box, propbably when she was trying to flick stuff off. I thinkI'll just replace it, rather than try to clean it. She can most likelysmell it and associates it with getting the yucky tasting stuff.
She hates pumpkin, but Chippy and Rosie-roo love it, so it won't go to waste.