Smore has been taking 1 inch of Nutri-cal, canned pumpkin, andpedialyte daily (since Tuesday). She has been drinking about half ofher normal intake of water, but has really not eaten pellets or muchhay. She nibbles at the rolled oats that we put in with her pellets.Her system is still working as far as poops and peeing. Although it isin small amounts it is reasonable for her current intake. Her poopiebutt has improved and she was very active today during free time.
Yesterday we dropped S'more off at the vet around noon and theycalled us at around 2:30pm to let us know we could pick her up ataround 3pm.
Smore is a Dutch, spayed, and weighs6.9 lbs. Shes at least 2 years old and had at least one litter ofhealthy babies. Shes been with us for almost 1 ½ years.
The vet is suspecting that Smore has abacterial infection in her GI tract and it is causing othercomplications such as; unbalance of flora, gas, and a possiblefurblock. She said that the fact that her GI system is still working isgood and that we caught the problem at a very early stage.
She advised us to continue hometreatment of canned pumpkin, Pedialyte, and Nutri-cal. She alsosuggested we add fresh pineapple and papaya tablets.
At the office the vet examined her andgave her fluids via IV. They monitored her for about 2 hours. The vetsaid that she has some abdominal distention, but she isnt in any pain.She palpitated her and didnt find anything abnormal aside from somebloat as she had previously mentioned. She prescribed oral antibiotics(Trimethp/Sulfamthzl ?) , Benebac, and Laxatone. She called us at homea few hours after we picked up Smore to she how things were going. Shealso wanted to be sure we understood the diagnosis and treatment sheprescribed. She wants us to treat her and may add Simethicone to thetreatment on Friday if conditions do not improve. We have a follow-upscheduled for next Wednesday(7/27).
Smore pooped and peed in small amounts,after we got her home. We gave her meds and continued home treatments.Last thing she took was some canned pumpkin and Pedialyte at around12am.
Smore pooped and peed a small amountduring the night. She drank a little water, maybe an ounce. She nibbleda few rolled oats and hay, but it doesnt look like she ate anypellets. Before I left for work she had pooped and peed again, still insmall amounts. I cleaned and changed her litter pan so we can continueto monitor her output.