Sue Kiley
Hi I'm in need of some friendly advise if anyone can see (I have no clue about the forum 101) this or is still awake at almost 3:00a.m. I've never done this before so please bare with me! I only have one question, well lots actually, but one important one, or so I think! Does anyone know why my bunnies regular shaped poop smell like cecotropes? I adopted my rabbit 9 months ago, I've never had a rabbit and always thought about getting one, and of course I'm very very happy that I did, but my bunny Rodney was in a cage from birth on and was completely neglected. When I got her I brought her to the vet right away and the vet could not believe how bad the mites were in her ears even on the outside! I found it really odd that she just kept scratching and shaking her head! Now mind you, I have No clue as to Anything about rabbits All I know is that when I looked at that little bunny and his floppy ears, I fell madly in love instantly. (I named my Bun Rodney after a Friend i remembered from years ago! Lol) However, i dropped him off to be neutered and when i picked him up i said How'd it go, ok?" they said, we didn't neuter him, we spayed him because she is a girl!!!" Omg I cracked up laughing and so did the girls there lol. But getting back to my ?...I've been having a very hard time getting her to trust me, she is doing so much better from when i first got her, but she still seems so afraid at sudden movement! When I brought her in for her fourth treatment for the mites her vet told me that she thought that Rodney was deaf. I was beside myself, I knew something was weird when I dropped a pan in the kitchen, and she didn't even budge. So I've also been trying to teach her some sign language, which, she's getting pretty good at! But the main reason I'm here is because sometimes Rodney's regular sized poop is kind of soft and slimey and they smell like cecotropes! Does anyone have any ideas??? Id really appreciate any advice!!! Sorry for writing a book but I just got home from work and I can't sleep!