Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I posted a thread yesterday because my bunny fell off of my nightstand while I was away at college. He was totally fine with no limping at all and he was acting totally normal. I came home from college for the weekend and when I went to check on him, I noticed that he was making this popping/clicking sound when he breathed, but I could only hear it if I had my head near him and was listening for it. He is acting totally normal otherwise and has no eye/nose drainage or discharge. I am SO paranoid about pneumonia and I have been for a while now - mainly because I have read so many horror stories of rabbits never surviving pneumonia. My question is: what should I do? Going to the vet is extremely stressful for him and I can’t tell if this is an actual problem or just me being paranoid and over analyzing things. Can they have pneumonia without having nasal discharge? Would it be obvious if he had it? I’m freakin out over here. I am the first to admit that I am a helicopter mom. I thought he was breathing funny in August and rushed him to the vet sobbing because I thought he had pneumonia and he was 110% fine. Ahhh I am stressed and me sitting here listening to him breathe is not helping my anxiety