Plump or Obese?

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Yes, Nose_Twitch, the meds could certainly be afactor. I think it's very wise to change his pellets tosomething more along the lines of the numbers I was talkingabout. At that age, you want to make sure they're getting thenutrients and vitamins they need.

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I don't want to alarm you, HoneyPot, but you should check out thethread, "Freddy's always starving..."

Carolyn wrote:
HoneyPot wrote:
Hmm, nowthat I read this I'm worried about Cookie being underweighttoo. I can also easily feel his spine and hipbones. He gets 1/8 cup of Oxbow pellets and almost 2 cups ofvegetables a day - and unlimited hay and he's only 2 pounds.He doesn't get any treats except for a piece of carrot or melba toast(he loves it - what a wierdo) every now and then and maybe a piece offruit once or twice a week.

When we got him he was 3 pounds - but he was on pellets only and notgetting any run time, since then he's lost a pound, but is eating tonsbetter.... hmm.

Could always up the 1/8 of a cup for him until he's got a bit more meat on his bones.

How's his behavior and his poop and pee look? (See note above to Nose_Twitch.)


His poops and pees are pretty normal - big and round poops unless it'sduring shed where he sometimes gets a couple little guys and then somehair passing and back to normal... and his pee ranges from normal clearto orange and sometimes whiter (but then we cut back the calcium) nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe I'll give him someextra pellets. He's going to think he hit the lottery!

Carolyn wrote:
Yes,Nose_Twitch, the meds could certainly be a factor. I thinkit's very wise to change his pellets to something more along the linesof the numbers I was talking about. At that age, you want tomake sure they're getting the nutrients and vitamins they need.

* * * * * **

I don't want to alarm you, HoneyPot, but you should check out thethread, "Freddy's always starving..."

my .. I forgot about that thread! he still is always begging for food.. we are still worm free so I dont think it is that..hes definatelynot skinny (nor overweight either)... i think he just likesto eat and would do well in an all you can eat buffet!



Carolyn wrote:
I don't want to alarm you, HoneyPot, but you should check out thethread, "Freddy's always starving..."

ACK!! I'm such a hypochondriac.... Worms!?! He hasn't lost any weight in about 5 months, he's been a steady 2 pounds.

Hmm, I'm not too worried yet though cause he leaves some of his pelletsand veggeis if he's full and he doesn't always eat all the hay I leavehim.
HoneyPot, my Mocha is about the same weight asCookie and also tends to be skinny. She's very active and canbe a dainty eater. She shares a cage with my 5 lb Dutch andshares a little less than a full cup of timothy pellets with him everyday (about 1/2 cup per day per bunny). Plus tons of hay andan estimated 1 cup of greens per bunny. They are both holdingat what I consider a good weight for both of them even though this ismore pellets than is usually recommended for their sizes.

This is actually the way I fed Loki to help him shed his extra weight. He was a butterball when I adopted him.
Keep in mind the breed and body-type before you get too worried.


Snowbelle(Beau);)I think is rather.. chunky.

Sheis either a mini rex... which means she is very obese, or a standard that puts her below the standard.

I can feel her ribs, though cant see them, even when stretched all out,but can see the hips, I can def see a whole lotsa belly and thatdewlap.. :D


Wow! Snowbelle is a plus-size model! She's a big beautiful girl. What do you feed her?

My fat girl, Snuggy has been on a diet since February and has lostthree pounds. She feels much better now and so doI. It was my fault she got so big.


When I got her the lady was feeding her 3 bigbowls of veggies a day, plus about a half cup of dried fruit mix (shewas going thru a entire bag a week).. and a full bowl of pellets, Imeasured this.. its almost 2 cps. Plus every 3 dys she was getting oneof them stick treats with what looked like bird seed stuck to it.

I think she has slimmed up some.. and she is on a diet, she only gets 2small bowls of veggies, one in the am and another in the pm. A smallbit of fruit in the pm. No dried fruit mix .. none of the them sticktreats, 1/2 cp of pellets, lotsa hay. She sure gets miffed at me whenshe is done with them greens, tossin her bowl to tell me this is notfilling me up.. I want the large bowl back.. ;)

This was her when I got her about a month and a half ago...



:) Check out the chunky little legs on her... always goes to agirlsthighs first! I share her pain. Shelooks awfully sweet and cuddly! I love her!!
Hiya guys! Sorry i havent been on for a while,Been away at my b/fs house. I did take a picture of Dotty and how fatshe is, but i cant seem to get the camera to transfer pics onto thepooter. Stupid technology. Should get sorted soon tho. My mum has beengivin her less dry food etc and it seems to be going ok. Cant say ihave noticed weight loss on her yet tho lol. I dont remember who itwas, but somebody asked if we could PM each other about r chubbybunnies. And i wouldnt mind doing that at all, thank you, sorry i cantremember who u r! Please reply to this if u are out there lol. Hope youhave all been good over the last week and no more terrible things havehappened.
ok..i cut down on Dotties food and have been forbout 2 monts now. I have recently realised how skinny she is lookingand feeling :?shalli go back to feeding her like i use tobefore her diet? Maybe she is just a big build bunny and looked fat...she is definetly very boney now. Starting to get worried!
If your rabbit went from being obese tothat skinny in a month's time. I really think you need to get her to avet and get her checked out. That kind of weight loss is not normal norhealthy. Neither is being over weight.

You need your rabbit savvy vet to go over what is healthy foryour rabbit and what weight sheshould be. That amount ofweight loss is very stressful for your rabbits body. She needs to beseen.


It would really help if we knew her breed and could see some pics of her heavy and pics of her now too.

She wasnt obese, she was just plump.She is a holland lop (i think). This is her when i first gother. She also felt really plump too when you picked her upetc.

When i saw her sittin in the garden she looked plump, and she has beenfor a while. But yday i went to cuddle her and i ran my hand along herback, and i could feel her spine. Her shoulders were also very boney.

Recently she has got a hutch in the garden. I rescued her from a centrebut they had no idea if she was a house rabbit or a garden rabbit. Shewas living in our house for a while, but had to change to a hutchoutdoors. When we let her in the garden to play she always wants tocome back in side. I think this is a very good symptom of house bunie!But sadly she has had to be kept outside. She had taken the change verywell and stil ate all her food. But i had cut down on the food beforeshe was going out in a hutch. I dont know if it is that sheis not use to the cold as it is getting colder and colder each day. Buti thought it would be ok if i had put her outside in advance of thecold weather. She still eats her dried food as soon as i put the bowldown, and it is literally gone within seconds!

I will get a picture of her as she is now, but she doesnt look skinny. She is only skinny when you feel how skinny she is.

Thankz guys!
Oh I see what you mean in thepicturesnow - she was plump not obese. What aboutincreasing her pellets a bit to get some more weight on her?Sometimes recommendedfeeding amounts needadjustedfor anindividual rabbit's activity level,age, and other factors.

Since you are keeping her outside and it is getting cooler, you mightwant to check out the thread on keeping a rabbit warm --

keep us informed on how she is doing. :)
Thannk you for your advice! I have increased the dried food now. Hopefully she will get back to a nice size!

I was watching Pet Rescue earlier and woe and behold an obese rabbitcame on! It was soooo huge!!!! It was a giant english lop and was 3times the weight it should be. It sadly died which isnt suprisingreally. I coulldnt believe how somebody could of let it to get thatsize. It was such a sad sight. It just sat there all day because itcouldnt move :(

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