Well-Known Member
They must be taking about you Faye.Thanks for the input. And this is a prefect example of a Fatrab. Carolyn I think this is a great topic to bring up...
Is it safe to say the measure of whether a rabbit is over orunderweight should be compared to and determined by the breed of therabbit? Do they have bone structures in the Standards? If a rabbit is amix, would you go towards the breed that seems most prominent in therabbit's build?
I'm getting worried now...
I've been?keeping Emmy on?a diet for about 2 weeks now (15 days) and itlooks like she's been gaining weight more than losing?weight actually.I've PM Carloyned about a diet, along those lines and she said to giveless pellets and more hay. I've done this for the last 2 weeks..am Idoing anything wrong?
? Katy
Hmm, now that I read this I'm worried about Cookie beingunderweight too. I can also easily feel his spine and hipbones. He gets 1/8 cup of Oxbow pellets and almost 2 cups ofvegetables a day - and unlimited hay and he's only 2 pounds.He doesn't get any treats except for a piece of carrot or melba toast(he loves it - what a wierdo) every now and then and maybe a piece offruit once or twice a week.
When we got him he was 3 pounds - but he was on pellets only and notgetting any run time, since then he's lost a pound, but is eating tonsbetter.... hmm.