Please think of Dotty!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom
Soooo, big girl Dotty is going in for her spay tomorrow! :nerves1

She had a check-up on Tuesday and Clara (our lovely vet) said she's perfectly healthy and ok to go ahead. Clara wont be doing the spay, another vet will because Clara admits she's not had enough experience spaying bunnies, and said she'd hate to take a risk with ours (bless her) but she will be 'assisting and supervising' apparently. The vet who's spaying her has loads of experience and is a great surgeon, although we've had some issues with her personally in the past and the way she's handled bunnies, so we're glad that Clara will be there assisting- she'll take good care of Dotty.

Dotty will be the 4th bunny we've had spayed (no neuters yet!) so we know the drill, but that doesn't make it any less worrying.

We have plenty of Metacam, Clara will give us the dose tomorrow, we have a snugglesafe, baby food, pedialyte (UK equivalent), etc etc just in case. Tomorrow while she's there we're going to get her some fresh good veggies from the great green grocers, and probably a nice soft dog cushion/bed for her to recover on :)

She's going in at 8.30am with her packed lunch and we normally collect at about 4pmish, depending on the order of surgery (they consult all morning then start surgery at 11.30ish until 2ish)

I think we're all covered.....

Please keep Dotty (and us!) in your thoughts tomorrow! :in tears:


Good Luck Dotty and Mommie and Daddy too.

I'll say a prayer for a quick recovery.

Gosh she is one BEAUTIFUL Bunny.

Oh I so feel for you. Lint is going in on tuesday, right after we get back from England.
I am sure she'll be fine but I know there's always this fear... Just think of the better quality of life she'll have after. that's what i keep telling myself too. I'd love to check in how she is doing over the weekend but I probably won't have any internet access:(
I'll keep my fingers crossed. Best of luck! Hug! sabine
Awwwww My sweetie girl! Good luck tomorrow! Keep us posted on how she does, Jen. Tell Steve his girl will be just fine...... and will need extra nose rubs about 2 a.m. in the morning!
Thank you guys! :D

I am scared but I also feel a bit better that I've got experience with it so that we know what we're coping with- although maybe with a giant bunny it will all be on a bigger scale? I sure hope not!

LOL Pennie- I just hope she'll be asking for the noserubs! And I hope to God she doesn't try to jump on the bed! :shock: I'm wondering if I should maybe leave the steps by the side, and put a bedspread over the top to protect the bedding- just in case she does try- then at least she's only hopping up a few steps rather than jumping 3ft. Maybe she wont try to jump at all.... I guess we'll have to see how it goes!

I'll be here on and off tomorrow as we have errands to run but I'll update as soon as I know anything! :)
mouse_chalk wrote:
LOL Pennie- I just hope she'll be asking for the noserubs! And I hope to God she doesn't try to jump on the bed! :shock: I'm wondering if I should maybe leave the steps by the side, and put a bedspread over the top to protect the bedding- just in case she does try- then at least she's only hopping up a few steps rather than jumping 3ft. Maybe she wont try to jump at all.... I guess we'll have to see how it goes!

I would recommend setting up a pen and restricting her area for at least the first 24 hours. I would worry about her jumping on the bed and tearing stitches.

Good luck to Dotty tomorrow. I'll be thinking about her,
Yep, I wouldn't let Bo even jump for a few days and his was much easier since he's a boy. Can you pen her somehow? I know she's going to get mad!

Poor girl!
I would have to agree, having will be the best way to monitor her.

I will be thinking about her all day!

slavetoabunny wrote:
mouse_chalk wrote:
LOL Pennie- I just hope she'll be asking for the noserubs! And I hope to God she doesn't try to jump on the bed! :shock: I'm wondering if I should maybe leave the steps by the side, and put a bedspread over the top to protect the bedding- just in case she does try- then at least she's only hopping up a few steps rather than jumping 3ft. Maybe she wont try to jump at all.... I guess we'll have to see how it goes!

I would recommend setting up a pen and restricting her area for at least the first 24 hours.  I would worry about her jumping on the bed and tearing stitches.

Good luck to Dotty tomorrow.  I'll be thinking about her,
Thanks everyone! I can call in about 45mins to see how she is and when we can pick her up!

When we took her in this morning, the roads were awful because of the snow. It's usually a 2 minute journey in the car, but it took 25minutes to get there! A lot of people have cancelled appointments and operations, so Dotty was the only one they had to do today. They were saying 'of course the Kirtley's are here! You guys are hardcore! We knew you'd turn up!' lol... Clara just LOVES Dotty. She wanted to put her in the huge walk-in dog kennel, but then the nurse pointed out that they might need it for a dog and that the other kennel was plenty big enough!

Yeah, we're thinking we might have to pen her in. We don't want her to try and jump up at all really, and we want her to rest obviously. It may be that she's so quiet that she doesn't try to, but we have an NIC gate that we can make a pen with- we can attach it to the dog gate over the door.

We've been and stocked up on greens, carrot tops, lettuce, giant bunches of parsley, etc. And we got her a big huge soft cushion/dog bed as welll to recover on! We've been meaning to get her a bed for a while, because her litter tray is on an old bath mat and she always likes to lie on the corner right next to it.

Erm.... I think I've rambled enough now...... Worried! I think we're mostly worried about how she's going to be when she gets home- I hate when they're always so groggy and look terrible at first.... :nerves1

Will update when I've spoken to them!
Steve beat me to the phone! :grumpy:


SHE'S FINE!! YAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!! :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

Apparently she's 'quite lively' and doing great, so we can pick her up at 3.30- just over an hour. Earlier than usual, I guess because she's doing well.

YAY! Go Dotty! :D:D:D
slavetoabunny wrote:
mouse_chalk wrote:
LOL Pennie- I just hope she'll be asking for the noserubs! And I hope to God she doesn't try to jump on the bed! :shock: I'm wondering if I should maybe leave the steps by the side, and put a bedspread over the top to protect the bedding- just in case she does try- then at least she's only hopping up a few steps rather than jumping 3ft. Maybe she wont try to jump at all.... I guess we'll have to see how it goes!

I would recommend setting up a pen and restricting her area for at least the first 24 hours. I would worry about her jumping on the bed and tearing stitches.

Good luck to Dotty tomorrow. I'll be thinking about her,
I tend to agree with SlaveToABunny - restricting Dotty's ability to jump is going to be crucial to her recovery. She might not like it, but it is what is best for her! Good luck! I am sure that she will do wonderfully and be so happy when it is time to go home with you at the end of the day!

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