please talk me OUT of it-part 2

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
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, Pennsylvania, USA
so thank you all, you have did the opposite of what you were suppose to do, pat yourselves on the back :p . So i called, i think i posted this on the other thread, and got there hours and the only day that they are open late is wed, so that means that if i go i will have to drag the kids with me. So i am still contenplating going tommorrow with 2 of the kids and leaving one with my mom??

1. I decided not to take Belle because i dont want her to , god forbid catch anything, so i will go look him over, see how he is acting, and how he looks and make sure he doesnt try to kill me, lol.

2. if everything looks good i will fill out an application, and then go home and cross my fingers.

3. when i get him, i am going to add another set of cubes to Belles cage to be a 2x4, and then split it in half and cover the side so that they cant see each other till the quarentine is done, then i will take down the blocking sot hat they can see each other.

4.i will let them check each other out for about 2 weeks through the cage (they will also connect the playpen to the front of the cage and either give them seperate time out or just put a divider down the middle also.

5. during that 2 week time i am thinking aobut getting him nuetered, tohelp with hormones?

6.start the SCARY bonding process *gulp

So how does that sound? what should i change, if anything?

i cant believe you all talked me into this, lol.just kidding, i knew coming here i would not hear any voices of reason, lol.
Sounds great!

One thing I would do is ask the shelter if they have a spay/neuter program where he could be neutered before you bring him home.

If not, I would definitely let him settle in for at least a week or so and then have him neutered. Then wait at least 10 days for him to heal and try to start bonding. If he's a little hormonal or territorial, wait about a month after his neuter before you start bonding.

Even though shes spayed, I think you have the greatestchance of successful bonding if you wait until after his neuter.
It would be better to quarantine in a different room. There could be some things that can be transfered by air and both would be calmer if they cant smell each other. If you cant keep them in separate rooms, be careful about contact between them and wash you hands between handling them. and after you take out the barrier, they could still fight through the bars and hurt each other. Definitely get him neutered and wait at least 2 weeks before you start bonding. If you bond them before he is neutered, you would have to seperate them after the neuter so he can heal then start bonding again.
thanks everyone, i will defintely ask about the spay/nueter, it would be great to have that done before i would bring him home. And DUH to me i didnt think about them fighting through the cage, and i did read something about it, head is spinning trying to think about what i have to do or want to do.maybe i will wait to put a divider in the cage until after he is quaruntined and they are in the same room with each other (in seperate cages, placed apart) so that they can smell each other and get use to that first.
I WENT TO SEE HIM AND I AM IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is so cuddley and such a love bug, i filled the app out and i will get him tommorrow, on the way home i bought more coroplast so that i can make him his own cage for the mean time.

the only problem is he has to get his teeth cut every 4-6 weeks. A friend of mine lives just minutes from me (she is a vet tech) and i can get her to show me what to do and if not she can do it for me. But is this a major problem?? am i going to regret getting him because of this? oh my god he is bigger then my Belle but he is ssssooooooo ccuutteee:inlove::inlove::inlove:
Thats wonderful! Im so happy for you (and Belle) :)

The teeththing shouldnt be a problem, especially if you have a friend who can help you. Is it his front incisors or his molars? If its the front, those are fairly simple to trim from what Ive heard. Its best to let a vet do it, but I have heard of people doing it themselves after being instructed on how to do it by a vet (or vet tech).

You'll want to also be sure he has lots to chew on, including lots of hay (and even different kinds of hay will help). That will help with the teeth a little and you might not have to trim them so often.

As for bonding, check out this article: helped me a lot when I did my first bondings.
OOO! Excitement! * Happy Bunny Dance* I'm so happy for you!
My Dandelion has Malloclussion and i get his teeth trimmed about every 3-4 weeks. I still give hi unlimited hay and lots of chew things and he keeps one side worn down more than the other. It's not a big problem, a slight irritation, but i have never regretted having him because of if. In fact, he is one of my most affectionate buns that I have.
Good luck and pictures!!!

Yay!! I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see some pictures (hint hint!) :) Good luck!

Oh, and the teeth thing, I dont think it will make you regret it, however, before I got any of my buns I checked thier teeth. But it shouldn't be a problem, and it will be a piece of cake if you have a vet tech friend!! :):) YAY! :pinkelepht::party0002::bunnydance::yes::dancingorig:
Yay we succeeded!!!!! I mean, uhm, sorry;)Hehe. Aww yay! I'm happy for you both.

And listen to Haley on the bonding thing. She was my bondingteacher and all she had to do was come over and POOF!.....they were bonded........

In reality though I had a super easy bond it was ridiculous. Hope you have an easy a time as I did.
ok so i found out Sooty's story. When i was at the spca they had mentioned the Vet hospital that brought him in as being abandoned, so i decided today to call and see if anyone knew any information on him even if it was just his age. So i called and talked to someone who answered the phone told her i was adopting him and where i was adopting him from and that they mentioned there name as where he came from. BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!! she transferred me to the woman who got him from the TRASH :shock:. Apparently she was driving by and on the curb there was trash and a sign that said that they were moving and that everything was free :shock::shock::shock::shock:. There was a sign that said that he loves POP CORN,ICE CREAM AND PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i could just cry at this poor guys life. So the animal hospital adopted him out to a woman who wound up letting him live in a hutch outside, and about a month after that she brought him back said that he wasnt really eating. Well now he had mites, so they did a full treatment for mites, cut his nails, and his teeth, she said that his teeth constantly grow and need to be cut but it might not be as bad if he gets on the proper food for a rabbit, he might not need to have it done. He is ,to the best of there estimate, about 3-4 years old. They also confirmed that he is just a lump of love, and just loves to sit on your lap and be loved. So i assured her that he wasnt going to be eating pop corn, pizza or ice cream, and taht he will not be living outside he will be in the house with the rest of us, in his new cage that i built him.

what a poor thing and what a crappy start to life, i cant wait to get him now. i will call between 12-3, now you know i will call at 12:01, and arrange a time to get him and get him home. I am hoping that since he is so laid back taht the bonding will be easy. Toodles for now i will definitely get pics today and try to get the up
People make me sick how they treat animals.
I'm so excited for him to be going to live with you - he deserves it. He sounds like a fabulous pet, you lucky thing!

Give him loads of nose rubs from us :biggrin2:
Oh that poor baby! Bless his little heart. I'm even happier that you are geting him. Good luck on picking him up and bringing him home and will be checking back for an update!

*grumbling about trash and ice cream and pizza*
What a gorgeous bun how can anyone put that in the trash:bigtears:so glad you have got him now. Some people are just down right evil:grumpy:

How is he settling in with you? I had a bun that had his teeth cut about every 5 weeks and he was perfectly happy he even associated going in the car as chill out time and spending time with me then we used to buy him a treat after for being such a good boy:D
He is adorable!

After everything he went through, he deserves to be spoiled rotten in such a wonderful home. He is so lucky you found him.
People make me sick, sick, sick. I'm so glad you're getting him, yay. He won't know what hit him;). Give him hugs and kisses from me, he deserves them!

I can't wait for more pictures of him:D.
on the way home he peed in the box and it leaked onto my mom,lol, so he has pee'd so far today but no poop. He has been picking at his pellets and nibbling a little on the fresh veggies and hay , just a little. i will be a hoppy mom when he poops and pee's again for me. He doesnt seem at all phased witht he kids , dogs or cats, but boy my one dog wants to know what the heck that huge black thing is,lol. I found him sleeping in the large litter pan, and he is so dark i couldnt tell his head from his but, i was standing there staring at him tryin to find something i could identify,lol. I just want him to get pooping and peeing and i will be happy, i was thinking about ordering a pizza for him :shock:,just kidding :p.
theicequeen99121 wrote:
I was standing there staring at him tryin to find something i could identify,lol. I just want him to get pooping and peeing and i will be happy, i was thinking about ordering a pizza for him :shock:,just kidding :p.
Ha ha. I hope he starts pooping soon too. Keep him eating. If he doesn't seem too interested in the pellets or hay in the next day or so, I'd maybe try giving him some pumpkin or even some baby food, but he should come around soon. New surroundings, new place, big change for a bun. Keep us posted and bless you for giving him a wonderful new home.;)

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