Please pray for three of my babies...

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:pinkbouce::hugsquish::woohooI'm sooo glad for you and all of the buns, Rosie! Get some much-deserved rest tonight....and noserubs to all. So glad, too, that Fiver is thriving for you....not surprised, though.....see, I toldja you were a superbunnymom!!!!
Aww...thanks, guys...I'm so happy things turned out so well.

Both bunnies are back home and in their cages now...took the opportunity to trim Trixie's nails (my first time...I'm so proud of myself, guys!), and gave Fiver his meds (they trimmed his nails at the vet's for free...aren't they sweet?). I even held Trixie for a minute or two...she seemed just fine with it.

In trimming her nails, we just bunny burrito'd her, kept her sitting on the table, and just too out each individual foot (keeping her face covered with the towel), and trimmed her nails! :D

And I have pictures!! :D

Unhappy bunnies on a vet table


Trixie giving me the Stink Eye


Fiver begging to go home...:(


Trixie was first...this is me snuggling with her. I would move my arm (my left arm) away from her body, because she started feeling hot...but then she would nudge it and ask for me to put it back. It was really CUTE!



Then it was poor little Fiver's turn...he wasn't too happy about things. This is Em listening to his heartbeat. We didn't take any pictures of Fiver's turn out for his exam because he was just too stressed.





So, after we got home, I trimmed Trixie's nails, and then got up the guts to pick her up and hold her for a few minutes before putting her in her cage...



And then I gave Fiver his medicine, and held him for a few minutes...and he settled right on in...look at how he relaxes as the pictures progress...:)






And the cutest picture of all...


So, there ya go! :)
I loved the pictures Rosie....Fiver is just the most handsome little bunny...i just lovehim to bits:)

I'm just glad that everyone is healthy and happy :)

I just woke up (I went to bed early tonight with my knee wrapped) and saw this! I am really happy they are ok. I'm also really happy you learned to do the subq fluids. Something I might need to talk to our vet about!

Now, let me see...... you've held TWO bunners now?! and do I see a bunny who melts into his mama's shoulder?! Fiver loves being snuggled! Looks like you will need to let them have play time and SNUGGLE time for Fiver! :hearts:
Hehe...NO, Silly! That means I've held everybun but Flower now. :D

I've held both Maisie and SweetPea before. :)

But yes...Fiver is a little snugglepooh...I think he was just happy to be home and not be poked and prodded anymore. Poor little guy!

I'm so happy everyone's doing well. I think those were better results than I could've asked for! :)

I have to admit, though, after the vet left the room with him to try to get that nail off (if it was loose enough, which it wasn't), I started crying...and Danny had to hug me for a minute. It's always upsetting when your baby is hurt...:(

But...I'm happy they're home, and Fiver has antibiotics and pain meds. And I'm especially happy that Trixie's perfectly fine and healthy! I'm so relieved, guys...

What sweethearts...they really are wonderful...:)
Awww You are like me - you feel the pain they are having- only in your heart!

Fiver is a dollbaby. I can tell he loves being held. He is very happy there.

I think it's cute how Trixie gives you the stink eye LOL! She's really pretty!

I also love a vet who is good with your children and helps them to learn from what is going on. Our dog and cat vet is like that too - she spends a lot of time with Lexi and I just love her! Lucky for us, her hubby is our horse vet and her bro - inlaw is a friend of mine from high school and is our horse chiropractor! :D
Yeah, I'm really happy with our vet. She's really great!

She offered to let Em listen...Em didn't even get a chance to ask (which I know she would've quite quickly had the vet not offered, hehe)! :) And you can tell Em was really having a neat time with it, too. :)

Yeah, Trixie really is a beauty...I really love her so much. It's neat, too, how experiences like this bond you with a bunny even more, isn't it? In the first pic of my holding her, she looked ticked...but the second one, she looks like she's a little more comfortable. At that point, I was huggin her tighter...I think she liked it a bit. :)

And Fiver...oh man...*sigh*...what a sweetheart, eh? He's really amazing as a little bunny wabbit. I just can't get over his snuggliness and sweetness. Having a boy bun is so amazing...he's such a HUGE blessing! He really led the way to my feeling more comfortable with my babies...he's really opened a lot of doors for me, as far as confidence with them, and realizing that I CAN do all these things that I've been too chicken to try holding them, being the Big Kahuna, as Buck Jones liked to say, trimming their nails (I'm SO HAPPY I finally got up the guts to do that tonight...:D). It's really amazing how one bun coming into the household can change your life!

I mean...Maisie opened up my heart to buns...Flower showed me how to care for a rescue...Trixie taught me that flying a bun is no big deal...SweetPea taught me the PROPER way to pick up a bun (and why the way her prev owner picked her up was IMPROPER)...Drew taught me that you can love somebun so much from afar that you suffer their loss just like you would any of your other babies...Fiver opened the door to me for attempting snuggling with them and picking them up just to hold them...'s really neat how much each one will teach ya something new...:)

That's a neat situation with your vet! :D
They all affect us in a special way :)

And I keep looking back at that last photo. I can just hear little Fiver saying to himself "ahh Mama hugs are so nice!!!"
Yeah, I know what you mean...that last picture brings tears to my eyes everytime I look at it. It's my desktop wallpaper now...he's just so sweet...

And doesn't he look like, *sigh* "Finally...I'm home in Mama's arms..." Poor guy...
Those pics are amazing....each one showing how unique each of your babies is. Fiver looks like he's really and truly HOME in that last one....

How is everyone today? Hope everyone is relaxing...Take care!
They're just sittin' around relaxing...doing good...

About to give Fiver his meds...I laughed yesterday, telling Danny..."I have to give him meds three times a day...does this mean I can just hold him all day???" Hehe!

As far as Sunny's appt...I'm gonna keep an eye on her, and we're going to make an appt sometime next week. This appt was about $180, and with us moving right now, we're going to have to wait a bit. Obviously if something happens, like the bump gets bigger, or it seems to get worse, I'll make the appt anyway, but for right now, we'll have to wait a week. :(

But, she'll be okay...:) And she WILL go in for no worries! :)
LuvaBun wrote:
Aww Rosie, the love you have for your babies just shines out those photos :). I'm so pleased everything turned out OK!


Aww...thank you, Jan...I do love them beyond what I can describe. They're my babies! :)
