Please pray for three of my babies...

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I'm just seeing this now...and will add my prayers for all three, Rosie.

Is Fiver's toe swollen or feeling hot? It looks (from the pic) like it might just be a bit irritated, nothing more. I'm glad you're taking him to the vet's, but I have the feeling his little toe is fine. :)(I've had bunnies in the past who've caught their toes on things and it would wind up red, a bit swollen, but would heal itself within a few days.) And you're certainly not a bad bunny mom! We certainly can't predict every little thing that could go wrong - with bothfurry and human kidlets.And often have I kicked myself for not listening to that little voice in my head? More times than I care to admit. ;)

Quick story: When my son was 9 months old I was doing a wash one day and left him upstairs in his walker (yeah, back then nobody thought twice that walkers could be dangerous). I closed the basement door behind me and headed down the stairs, and suddenly had this bad feeling surge up...but I ignored it and continued on down, and went to the washing machine. Moments later I heard something...turned around and there was my dad's cat, Mickey, coming down the steps. I think it took me about 4 or 5 seconds to put two and two together: Mickey coming down the steps = door must be open = Stephen is up there in his walker. Still, my thought process wasn't fast enough, and just as I started to run for the stairs, down came Stephen...thump thump thump thump thump thump...tumbling down all 14 steps to the bottom. In his walker.

Amazingly, the walker stayed upright the entire way down (thank God!) but it did topple forward as soon as he hit the last step. He was propelled head-first into an aluminum snowshovel, and wound up with a gash and a lump on his little forehead (frenzied trip to the emergency room to get butterfly bandaids applied). And for days I felt so horrible, blaming myself (of course it didn't help that my dad also blamed me, and told me I wasn't fit to be a mother :(). What had happened was, the door to the cellar hadn't latched properly and Mickey, always the one to follow people, pawed the door open. Then Stephen followed the cat, and the accident ensued.

So that's my 'accident-of-the-day' story...oh, and to add a bit of humor to it (which I didn't really appreciate until months later)...during the entirejet-propelled flight down the stairs, Stephen was laughing at the top of his lungs! One of his first joy rides, I guess. :p

Anyway, sending your crew bunny/kitty hugs, and good vibes that all will be well. :hug:
My mom has a similar story she could tell you...... only it would be of how her 2 year old daughter thought riding her tricycle down a flight of stairs would be fun..... :embarrassed:
Aww...thank you so much, Bassetluv...that helps a LOT.

I just checked Fiver's toe again, and it doesn't feel squishy or like swollen tissue. Nor does it feel hot, or anything like that. It just looks kinda like he hurt it a bit with getting it stuck.

I'm hoping it's just that his skin there is irritated now, and it's just something that needs to heal.

He and Trixie will be going into the vet's tomorrow, so I'll let you know how it goes! :)
4 more hours!!! :D

I have to leave for work in an hour and wont be home till 12:30am but I better see a "everything's fine and I'm just a worrywart mommy" thread when I get home :p
Wishing you all the best for the vet visit....but i'm sure everything will be just fine

But i worry just the same as you Rosie,so i know how your feeling :hug:

Aww...thanks, guys...I hope it's just worrywartness, too!

And I hope to post a thread to that effect, too! :)

Thanks for your encouragement,'re wonderful!! :D:D:D
Aww...thank you, Sweetie...I'll be sure to update RIGHT AWAY!! :D

*runs off to put carriers together and coax both bunnies into their carriers...*
oh for PITY sake! It's supposed to be 8 there ...... like here! :?:p

maherwoman wrote:'s only 5pm here, guys! I haven't even left yet! Their appt is at 6pm.

You guys are too funny...:D
OKay, we're home, are the results.

Trixie is JUST FINE...she's healthy, a bit overweight (which will change when we move and she has plenty of exercise), but the bumps on her ears are something that the vet says she sees sometimes and is completely normal and fine. She also said her crown felt completely normal, as did the rest of her body. She cleaned Trixie's scent glands, and took her temp and weighed her...said she was totally healthy and fine. :)

Now, about Fiver's toe:

The vet said that he's cracked a nail. She tried to see if the nail would come off, as it's very loose...but it's not quite loose enough to come off completely so it can start to heal. She sent us home with antibiotics (the label says "trimet/su.", but she said it's something like something-or-other sulfide...I was a doof and forgot to write down what she said it was, but I remember it being the run-of-the-mill antibiotic that's used with buns, and I'm quite sure I remember it being a safe option as well) and some metacam. The antibiotics say 1 milliliter orally twice per day for ten days...the metacam says 0.2 milliliters orally once per day also for ten days (let me know what you think of those, Randy).

She also cleaned around the nail with nolvasan and trimmed his all nails. She said that it'll be a bit of a waiting game, but that his nail area hasn't absessed, but did look like it could possibly have a tiny bit of infection. She said that right now, it's just swollen...and we'll keep an eye on it, and bring him back after the antibiotics, because then she expects the nail will come off, and the formal healing can begin.

There was some good news about Fiver (other than him not having broken his toe or having an absess there), is that he gained an ounce!! WOOHOO!! She was really happy to see that.

Also, while we were there, we used poor Trixie as a model, and she showed us how to do sub-q fluids (oh my gosh, I couldn't believe how EASY it sister is a nurse, and her time in training, I guess I picked up on more than I thought!), and I took home a lactated ringer and ten needles. They didn't teach me with a butterfly cathetar like you mentioned, Randy, but the way they showed me, it was really easy, and won't be a problem for me to repeat in the future. We got videos of both her doing it, and me doing it...which I'll probably upload tomorrow.

So, I'm off to eat dinner, and trim Trixie's nails, and then give Fiver his meds for the night.

If anyone sees anything they disagree with that is said as far as vet advice, please let me know, and also let me know what you think we SHOULD be doing, ok? I value everyone's advice! :D

Hugs to everyone! I think I'm going to CRASH tonight...I'm so exhausted from all this worry...but I'm SO relieved that things turned out a tad better than I thought. I'm happy to only have one bun to take care of at a time...*sigh of relief*

Hugs to everyone!

Whoo, what a relief that all are well:hug:. Thanks for the update, Rosie. I'm so relieved.

Oh! About the lacated ringers. Reminded me of something. I need to send you a pm. I talked to this lady that works at the bowling alley with my hubby. She know's how to dosub qs on her cats. One was in renal failure from the food recalls:(. (I was getting info on it as we as mods ((and members as well should know)) how we should all take a lesson from our vets too:?). I'll pm the rest:bunnydance:. But, yeah, maybe a new, knowldgeable person for your cat forum! Yay.:D

MAYBE SOMETHING FOR A "TODAY ON RO" -If and when you go to your vet for annual check-ups, ask your vet to show you how to administer sub qs.;)


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