Well-Known Member
I'm just seeing this now...and will add my prayers for all three, Rosie.
Is Fiver's toe swollen or feeling hot? It looks (from the pic) like it might just be a bit irritated, nothing more. I'm glad you're taking him to the vet's, but I have the feeling his little toe is fine.
(I've had bunnies in the past who've caught their toes on things and it would wind up red, a bit swollen, but would heal itself within a few days.) And you're certainly not a bad bunny mom! We certainly can't predict every little thing that could go wrong - with bothfurry and human kidlets.And often have I kicked myself for not listening to that little voice in my head? More times than I care to admit. 
Quick story: When my son was 9 months old I was doing a wash one day and left him upstairs in his walker (yeah, back then nobody thought twice that walkers could be dangerous). I closed the basement door behind me and headed down the stairs, and suddenly had this bad feeling surge up...but I ignored it and continued on down, and went to the washing machine. Moments later I heard something...turned around and there was my dad's cat, Mickey, coming down the steps. I think it took me about 4 or 5 seconds to put two and two together: Mickey coming down the steps = door must be open = Stephen is up there in his walker. Still, my thought process wasn't fast enough, and just as I started to run for the stairs, down came Stephen...thump thump thump thump thump thump...tumbling down all 14 steps to the bottom. In his walker.
Amazingly, the walker stayed upright the entire way down (thank God!) but it did topple forward as soon as he hit the last step. He was propelled head-first into an aluminum snowshovel, and wound up with a gash and a lump on his little forehead (frenzied trip to the emergency room to get butterfly bandaids applied). And for days I felt so horrible, blaming myself (of course it didn't help that my dad also blamed me, and told me I wasn't fit to be a mother
). What had happened was, the door to the cellar hadn't latched properly and Mickey, always the one to follow people, pawed the door open. Then Stephen followed the cat, and the accident ensued.
So that's my 'accident-of-the-day' story...oh, and to add a bit of humor to it (which I didn't really appreciate until months later)...during the entirejet-propelled flight down the stairs, Stephen was laughing at the top of his lungs! One of his first joy rides, I guess.
Anyway, sending your crew bunny/kitty hugs, and good vibes that all will be well. :hug:
Is Fiver's toe swollen or feeling hot? It looks (from the pic) like it might just be a bit irritated, nothing more. I'm glad you're taking him to the vet's, but I have the feeling his little toe is fine.
Quick story: When my son was 9 months old I was doing a wash one day and left him upstairs in his walker (yeah, back then nobody thought twice that walkers could be dangerous). I closed the basement door behind me and headed down the stairs, and suddenly had this bad feeling surge up...but I ignored it and continued on down, and went to the washing machine. Moments later I heard something...turned around and there was my dad's cat, Mickey, coming down the steps. I think it took me about 4 or 5 seconds to put two and two together: Mickey coming down the steps = door must be open = Stephen is up there in his walker. Still, my thought process wasn't fast enough, and just as I started to run for the stairs, down came Stephen...thump thump thump thump thump thump...tumbling down all 14 steps to the bottom. In his walker.
Amazingly, the walker stayed upright the entire way down (thank God!) but it did topple forward as soon as he hit the last step. He was propelled head-first into an aluminum snowshovel, and wound up with a gash and a lump on his little forehead (frenzied trip to the emergency room to get butterfly bandaids applied). And for days I felt so horrible, blaming myself (of course it didn't help that my dad also blamed me, and told me I wasn't fit to be a mother
So that's my 'accident-of-the-day' story...oh, and to add a bit of humor to it (which I didn't really appreciate until months later)...during the entirejet-propelled flight down the stairs, Stephen was laughing at the top of his lungs! One of his first joy rides, I guess.
Anyway, sending your crew bunny/kitty hugs, and good vibes that all will be well. :hug: