No news yet..I dropped her off a lil over anhour ago...she's prolly in surgery right now...for some reason I do NOTfeel good about this...I hope to God my feelings are wrong...
They know she's Corky's g/f so they said they'd take extra good care of her cuz Corky's their buddy.
Ok, just got back from seeing her...she's a lilwobbly still but I think she was glad to see me...I was getting somechatters, hopefully not pain ones...they had given her pain meds so I'mhoping it was cuz she was happy to see me...she sunk her head all intome and was chatterin...lil cutie.
Her incision is very small and he sealed it from the inside...sothere's nothing but a lil knot that she could mess with...and Icouldn't even find hopefully she won't either..LOL
They hadn't given her any food yet...I'm gonna call back in 1/2 hour or so and make sure she's eating.
Thanks for all the thoughts/prayers...we appreciate em!
She's now laying on her food....LOL...theyaren't sure if she's eaten any...but said she can go home tonite...hey,worse case scenario, I slurry her..or better yet, break out the cookiedough ice cream! A girl after my own heart! :colors: