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grace, what is your address????
im off school on monday sunday and st. pats day.
i might be able to come if you want me to. if not, its ook.
PM me
Thanks guys, don't worry about it Irishlops, I'll be fine. Doctors say she had a huge brain bleed, like another stroke and they were very surprised that that happened and that she died. She is probably better off, as if she was alive she could be facing another 5 or 10 years just in a bed in a nursing home, and that's not what she wanted, everyday while she was ill she talked about going home. Plus she missed my grandad, terribly, and was never the same again. We brought her home for the last time last night and had a wake. Tonight though, was the hardest night because we had to say good bye one last time before they put the top on her coffin forever. I just touched her hands and said goodbye.

We decided to pass her house on the way to the church, just for one last time for her. Tomorrow is going to be a long and hard day because we have the main funeral mass and then we really have to say goodbye forever when she's buried. It's a nightmare.
I think a wake is a great way of saying good bye to a loved one. All family of mine that died just were gone and that was that. You get no time to start the grieving process properly, in fact i remember often not being able to believe they had gone. i think it's important for the living to see death as a part of life.
I am sorry to hear that she passed. It sounds like it was very peaceful. That can be a godsend in itself. It is hard to lose a loved one. :hug: I am sorry.
irishbunny wrote:
Thanks guys, don't worry about it Irishlops, I'll be fine. Doctors say she had a huge brain bleed, like another stroke and they were very surprised that that happened and that she died. She is probably better off, as if she was alive she could be facing another 5 or 10 years just in a bed in a nursing home, and that's not what she wanted, everyday while she was ill she talked about going home. Plus she missed my grandad, terribly, and was never the same again. We brought her home for the last time last night and had a wake. Tonight though, was the hardest night because we had to say good bye one last time before they put the top on her coffin forever. I just touched her hands and said goodbye.

We decided to pass her house on the way to the church, just for one last time for her. Tomorrow is going to be a long and hard day because we have the main funeral mass and then we really have to say goodbye forever when she's buried. It's a nightmare.
i guess its better she went. like you said. quick peaceful.
i know when you say she missed your grandad.
my grandad si here. he goes to the grave oof my gran every day. rain, sun or snow.
its ok about the me coming up. i dont think i would be wanted. i was really a stranger! lol.
:pray: for you
I'm so sorry for your loss - it is so hard to lose someone you love so dearly, but as time goes on, and you remember all the wonderful things you shared...each time,the pain will ease just a bit more, and the laughter will mix with will never be the same for loving her, and that is how it's supposed to be - and who day in the future, because of what you experienced now, you will be a source of comfort for someone else who needs a strong shoulder to lean on in the pain and sadness.
God bless you and your family
Your gram is at peace, in God's love
This is me, my Grandad and Nana during some of the best years of my life.


They look like such kind loving people. i am sure you treasure the time you had with them.
I'm so sorry about your nana. I'm so glad that you got to see her, and that she didn't suffer at the very end. I'm sure it was hard enough on everyone for the weeks before her death. Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers in the days and weeks to come....btw, you have an awesome name...
I'm so sorry. I lost my grandpa to something similar when I was around your age too. It sounds like she had a wonderful, full life, surrounded by people who loved her dearly. Please talk to us or anyone about it if you want to talk. It's so good that you got to see her while she was in the hospital so that you know just how much suffering she was released from when she died. I never visited my grandpa while he was dying in the hospital, so I didn't realize how ill he was when he died, and how it was a relief for him to finally pass on. Huge hugs to you and your family.
Thanks all, I'm feeling a little better once all the funeral stuff was over, it's always the hardest. We went to visit her and Grandad's grave today and we drove past their house on the way home, it felt weird to see the house, it looked so dark and lonely for a house that was once so vibrant and always had people coming and going.

By the way you have an awesome name too Grace :)
Aww Grace, your gran has such a sweet looking face - you do know how blessed you are to have had her in your life?

My oldest daughter (now 18yrs old) was very, very close to her grammie - it was so hard for her when she died - we were able to go to the memorial and funeral and even though it was tearful at the funeral, at the memorial when people came to visit her at - was beautiful how many of her friends and all of her family (5 sons, 1 daughter and scores of grandchildren) came to pay their last was awe-inspiring for me..she lived a good life, always tried to help people who were in need, loved most to have all her children visit and to be able to fix a meal for them...I can see that the love she gave her children, and her grandchildren, lives on in their hearts...she will always be remembered with tenderness.

I think the same will be true for you and your nan - love never lives on in our hearts and in our spirit - and it touches so many people beyond what we could ever imagine.

Thanks for that :), both my grand parents were great, my Grandad wasn't the typical Irish man in that he helped my Nana around the house and did alot for her, usually in the old days the women cooked and cleaned the house but my Grandad always helped my Nana out. I can remember when I was small him washing dishes and he used to always make us breakfast in bed :).

The priest who did the mass knew my Nana and described her as a woman with a deep, quiet faith who lived for her family, and that is exactly what she was like. She lived for my Grandad though, and after he died she wasn't quite the same, I think she could have been a bit depressed, but she still was cheery and loveable, my Grandad died in 2004.

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