Thanks guys, don't worry about it Irishlops, I'll be fine. Doctors say she had a huge brain bleed, like another stroke and they were very surprised that that happened and that she died. She is probably better off, as if she was alive she could be facing another 5 or 10 years just in a bed in a nursing home, and that's not what she wanted, everyday while she was ill she talked about going home. Plus she missed my grandad, terribly, and was never the same again. We brought her home for the last time last night and had a wake. Tonight though, was the hardest night because we had to say good bye one last time before they put the top on her coffin forever. I just touched her hands and said goodbye.
We decided to pass her house on the way to the church, just for one last time for her. Tomorrow is going to be a long and hard day because we have the main funeral mass and then we really have to say goodbye forever when she's buried. It's a nightmare.