irishbunny wrote:
Ya I saw her last Saturday and I'm going again this Saturday
Oh, I am glad to hear that. You never know - your presence may be enough to help her be strong.
My Grammy fought lung cancer for 8 years and many surgeries and the cancer finally took her down but I went to see her in the hospital as tough as it was. I am glad that I did. She fought hard for a month once the cancer spread to her brain - it was sad to see her shaking uncontrollably, but my Grammy was behind the green eyes. She died November 21, 1986 and I still miss her. Her grandfather was from County Cork and she enjoyed visiting there - she always said when she got well she would take me there but unfortunately she passed.
When my Gig (I couldn't say Grandpa) was dying from heart failure a few years later, I made sure I played gin rummy (cards) with him - he loved the game and would always beat me but I have no regrets... except we did not have more time together and that he could have seen my sons - he would have enjoyed playing golf with my oldest and would have laughed at the antics of my youngest.
Mercy (my miniature horse) and I visit nursing homes on a volunteer basis and even when the elderly do not speak or respond during our visits, I get the sense that they appreciate the effort. One gentleman I remembervery well- he had a stroke and was mentally challenged and did not speak but when he got to pet Mercy, he began to make noises and his gnarled hands buried in her mane. His aides almost cried as they said he was very happy and they had not heard him make the noise he was making in quite some time. We have been told by folks recovering from hip replacements who are in nursing homes that we have no idea how much they appreciate the visits.
Another lady was having a birthday on the day we visited - she also had had several strokes and was bedridden and could not speak. Her children asked that I bring Mercy up to her bedside and her nurse helped her pet Mercy's nose. She managed to smile and her son explained that she was a horsewoman back in her day and that the visit could not have been better timed.
So, in my long, rambling way, I am saying please visit your nana...if she likes rabbits and you have one that will tolerate a visit, see if the medical staff will allow a visit...I am a firm believer in the healing powers of animals...the crew of critters I have here gives me a reason to greet the day happily, even post surgery, when I am ill or depressed.
Hugs to you:hug1