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New Member
May 5, 2010
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surrey, , United Kingdom
hi in desperate need of help

i have 3 beautiful bunnys,i wentinto the cage yesterday and found 3 babies unfortunatly they had died but i didnt even no they were pregnant..... also the babys had been burried help........ how do i make there cage more babie friendly for future babys x they babies were also of a fair size...... please help as im a lil bit shocked! thanx soph xx
First, you will want to separate your three rabbits immediately. Obviously, at least one is a doe (female) and at least one is a buck (males). Bucks and does should not be housed together, nor should two rabbits of the same sex if they are not spayed or neutered.

Secondly, be prepared for more babies. Rabbits can actually "hold" two litters at once, so another litter may not be far behind. Give the doe(s) a box in her cage(s) that can be used for a nestbox. Just a rubbermaid plastic storage box is OK, but make sure you tie it down so she is not able to flip it over. If she has a nest already, place the nest in here. If not, she will hopefully nest in her nestbox before she has thenext litter, IF she is still pregnant.

The gestation period of a rabbit is about 28-33 days. So leave the nestbox in the cage as a precaution for about 35 days after the doe(s) are separated from the buck(s).

It sounds like in order to intentionally breed and raise a litter, you may want to do more research into why people breed rabbits, how to do it, what to be prepared for, etc. Reading older posts on this board will help prepare you for some of the problems you may face (and also some of the triumphs)! We can help answer any specific questions you have, but a lot goes into breeding and we would have to sit here and write you a book to include all that.:p There are many great websites out there about breeding as well as books, so a great place to start is your local library or bookstore.
thanks so much thats a great help well atleast i now no that i can turn to u guys on here for help n support n a trip to the library sounds like a good idea!!! the bunny seperation process has begun....... will be in touch , just out of curiosity would the puling the fur out and thumpin been tel tel signs that she may be havin a litter??
Yes, usually shortly before a doe kindles (gives birth), she will begin pulling fur and situating it into a nest. At this time, does (especially first time moms) may become slightly territorial or even aggressive. The thumping just tells others to "stay away from me!" and I've noticed that before usually shortly before she kindles.

If she *just* delivered recently, this may just be related to her first birth. But if it's been awhile since the last one (a few days or weeks), it may signal that there will be more on the way soon.

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