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How can I keep my bunz nails short without cutting them? They are getting very long and seem possibly uncomfortable for them; they scratch the hutch floor I assume it's because of that
Because I don't know how far, and they hate being held.Why do you not want to cut them?
Thank you that helps a lotLike Larry mentioned, digging in dirt will help. If your buns can be safe outdoors from predators and have their vaccinations for myxo and rhdv1&2, having a digging area is one way, though you would need to keep an eye on the nails to make sure they're all wearing down well and evenly.
Otherwise, either you'll need to learn to trim them , or pay someone experienced trimming rabbits nails safely to do it, like your vet office.
A rabbit trying to dig on things isn't necessarily because they're trying to wear their nails down. They aren't like cats in this respect. Rabbits dig at things because it's in their nature to dig. They will also dig at things because they want to try and move something, because they are hot or ready to rest and trying to prepare a spot to flop down to cool off or just to rest, or they'll dig at you to get your attention.
I have a question….
sorry if doing this wrong; I’ve always used this platform when posting a reply.
now I need some advice…
how often and how much banana can you give your bun?
i gave Minx a small piece of banana about a week ago while I was standing by the kitchen sink. Now whenever I am in the same place cutting an apple or anything, she runs over and stands high waiting for banana. I know there is sugar in them so how much and how often can I give her some. I offered some of my applebut no interest there!
please help!