Well done for being honest about this.
From what you said it sounds like maybe you feel you have been having 'hassle' from some people about this? If you have, please let the mods see all copies of what's been said so that we can deal with it appropriately.
It's good you have them in separate cages. From the sounds of it she sounds very young? If she is, that's why they get on at the moment, because she smells of a baby and acts like a baby-no hormones. Once she hits adolescence they could very easily fight because she could turn out to be very territorial, or grumpy, or she might want to be dominant which Gizmo may disagree with, etc. You would then have to house them separately, at least until after she is spayed, but maybe even then if they really don't get on.
However you acquired this little one, you now have to decide what is best for her. It sounds like you don't really want her, in which case I would suggest what is best for her is that you act as a short term fosterer and do your best to find her her forever home where she will stay there forever and be loved unconditionally and be wanted.
Any where you go in life you will be judged, because unfortunately that's how people are; especially on a forum where people feel so keenly about rabbit welfare, etc. Some people can ignore their judgements but others can't. Try not to see those judgements as a bad thing though. Surely its a good thing that people care so much about your buns? Far better to have people that care and may react badly in the short term than have no one who cares?
People do seem to be concerned about your rabbits, which is something that I can understand a great deal, because I too am very concerned, however, all we can really do is to try and help you work through all of this because at the end of the day you have some bunnies and you need some guidance, same as most members here.
I think you need this place, so I do hope you stick around. If not and you need any rabbity help, feel free to e-mail me (it's in my profile).