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Well they arent playing with eachother anymore so their isnt anything to wry about. At least im not like other people who HOUSE rabbits and guinea pigs together. Thanks for worry but you dont have to.
Today is a sad yet happy day...Salem is leaving for the rescue but i know this is a new start for him and not a end. She said she will keep me updated 100% with his progress. She will also tell me hows his vet apt tomorrow goes.
:hug: Give him a hug good bye from me. Hugs to you for doing the right thing so he can the treatment he needs. It's nice of the lady to keep you updated.
Camarie wrote:
New pics of Gizmo!

LadyBug is still Prego and getting HUGE! Cant wait to see what the babies look like!

Gizmo is doing fine after the neuter. a lionhead breeder and fancier - I have to say that I just "love" Gizmo.....know what I mean??

I think lionheads are fabulous.

By the way - don't forget that even though he's neutered he can still get girls pregnant for another month or so....not that it should be a problem for you since you don't have your flemish doe anymore. Still yet - in case you have him around other rabbits - he's still able to produce offspring for a bit longer!

This will be my last post for some time. I have talked to some people and they understand me leaving. I am sorry if i did anything wrong but i dont feel like i did. Here is a email i sent to some.

"I had decided NOT to get another rabbit beacause of what people have told me. BUT a couple days ago a baby rabbit showed up on my porch like many other animals before it. I have a soft spot for animals and cant not take the animal in. Well I took her in and had the vet check her out and she is healthy. I believe she is a lionhead. I think whoever left her bought her got her from a petshop cause she had a pink mark in her ear. I have aquired many pets this way. People in the neighboorhood know i care for alot of small animals and usually ocasionally leave their pets their kids are not longer interested in with me. I am worried about posting this news cause i know i will get crap. But i wanted to tell you and some others first to help me decide what to do. I can keep her cause she and Gizmo do get along and he is nuetuered. I have a big enough cage for two small rabbits once the nuetuer and bonding is set. Right now she has her own cage. I do not want anymore pets due to the guinea pig babies coming but i am willing to keep her seeing how she is doing good with Gizmo and she is healthy."

I will take the advice of my friends here on RO and ignore all negative comments. If you dont have anything nice to say please DONT post it. This is a place where i come and feel safe without being judged. I am going thru alot of bad stuff right now and DONT need the extra stress. You dont need to read my fourm if u dont like it.

Well done for being honest about this.

From what you said it sounds like maybe you feel you have been having 'hassle' from some people about this? If you have, please let the mods see all copies of what's been said so that we can deal with it appropriately.

It's good you have them in separate cages. From the sounds of it she sounds very young? If she is, that's why they get on at the moment, because she smells of a baby and acts like a baby-no hormones. Once she hits adolescence they could very easily fight because she could turn out to be very territorial, or grumpy, or she might want to be dominant which Gizmo may disagree with, etc. You would then have to house them separately, at least until after she is spayed, but maybe even then if they really don't get on.

However you acquired this little one, you now have to decide what is best for her. It sounds like you don't really want her, in which case I would suggest what is best for her is that you act as a short term fosterer and do your best to find her her forever home where she will stay there forever and be loved unconditionally and be wanted.

Any where you go in life you will be judged, because unfortunately that's how people are; especially on a forum where people feel so keenly about rabbit welfare, etc. Some people can ignore their judgements but others can't. Try not to see those judgements as a bad thing though. Surely its a good thing that people care so much about your buns? Far better to have people that care and may react badly in the short term than have no one who cares?

People do seem to be concerned about your rabbits, which is something that I can understand a great deal, because I too am very concerned, however, all we can really do is to try and help you work through all of this because at the end of the day you have some bunnies and you need some guidance, same as most members here.

I think you need this place, so I do hope you stick around. If not and you need any rabbity help, feel free to e-mail me (it's in my profile).
I do want to keep here just wasnt expecting on another rabbit cause so many people are against it and i rly dont want to hear anything. I am very fine in keeping her in her own cage if her and Gizmo wont get along but i am also willing to work with bonding. Yes i will get her spayed when the time comes. I bought each of them one of those litter pans with the wire on it so they stop getting poop and the litter in their fluff. She has seen a vet and has been cleared of any bacteria or infection. I will learn from Salem and from now on get my animals checked and if the vets even suspect something have them treat it. The vet told me at 4 weeks old salems penis looked like it was bite or something but that it would most likely heal on its own. Well if another vet tells me that ill tell them to give me something incase it does get infected and treat it early on. Even with Stormys unexpected death i will learn to pay more closer attention to everything and anything. and again to Salem i have not heard anything yet but when i do i will post. The rescue is the No splitting hares rescue and the lady who picked him up said she is keeping him as her own pet. I am very happy of that.
The lady emailed me and said "it is definately a abcess, the appointment is for 08/31 at 10:30 for surgery.She couldn't guarentee it won't come back." i hope the abcess stays away. I will keep good thoughts in my head for Salems surgery.

Update on Gizmo and Love: outside playing!








Along with the pics i took a video of my bf trying to play with Love well he was walking aroung the inside of the corral and love kept following him while he was on the phone with a friend. Well he turned around and started walking towards her, the he tried playing with her by chasing her like she was doing to him. Ive never see a rabbit act like this before after this video she did it for a couple more times before my bf got tired and layed in the grass she groomed him after jumping at him a couple more times. I think this was really cute. Love does not all at seem scared of me or my bf when she is out she will come right up to us for us to pet her. well her is the video enjoy and get a laugh.
She looks like a little playing puppy :hearts!!

I am not trying to be negative, so please don't take this the wrong way....but just make sure your boy friend is very careful where he is stomping around if he decides to play with Love like this again...I wouldn't want Love to get stepped on. It also looked like he was being a tad rough with her when he was grabbing at her....she is just a baby and is very fragile.

She did look like she was enjoying herself :)!!

Thanks for the update on Salem, I'm glad he's getting the vet care he needs. Sending good healing vibes for his surgery and recovery. Gizmo and Love are quite an adorable pair! Love looks to have a spirited personality, that seems very typical of Lionheads. She sure is a little beauty.
Yes i told my bf about their fragile spines well actually lectured him about it. He is used to playing with dogs and cats so i always have to remind him they are bunnies and act and need to be treated completely different. Today its all rainy and muggy outside so i dont think they will be playing in the corral i dont want them to get muddy. I got another email from the lady saying his apite is great and he is doing good at the rescue. She already has one flemish giant and is going to work on bonding him or her with Salem once he is nuetuered and the abcess removed. I send good vibes Salems way everyday...i so miss my flemie babys...but i am very happy that he is getting the help he needs.

I found something very intresting in LadyBugs cage yesturday. It looked like a dried up slice of red pepper now i dont feed my animals red pepper so i am trying to figure out what it could be. Do guinea pigs have miscariges? I need some who has experiance with guinea pregnancy to send me a email so i can figure out what this thing is. She is stiil prego looking i really dont want to handle her cause i was told it could hurt the babies she is around 20-30 days prego.

Off the guinea pig topic the rabbits Gizmo and Love are doing GREAT. Love so much reminds me of Salem and Stormy with her personality. I am waiting for a email back about how he is doing. I miss Salem so much. That rabbit reminded me so much of a dog lol. I dont think i will ever stop missing him. Maybe one day when i am older and have moved out ill get another flemie but no rabbit could ever replace Salem. lol i was trying to talk about Gizmo and Love but lately all i talk about is Salem. My bf feels bad i am taking this so bad. He was like i can buy u a new rabbit and well i yelled at him. He doesnt get why i love rabbits so much he is more of a dog/cat kinda person. I am trying to show him how rabbits are great pets to. I think Love is converting him he seems rly attached to her he loves to hold her.

Well i think thats all the updating for now gottat get up and start the day!
Yes, I believe Guinea Pigs can have miscarriages but I'm not positive. I wish I had more experience on Pregnant Guinea Pig care, sadly I only have knowledge on their general care and health concerns. I highly recommend joining the Guinea Lynx forum, you will definitely get quick and helpful replies from very experienced members.
Ive looked it up and i think she had a misscariage but the mass didnt look like a fetus i looked at it intensively cause thats what i thought it was at first. It also could be a empty placenta maybe. She is still pregnant cause i can still feel the babies. I am keeping a close eye on her.