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I'm a bit confused, but it REALLY doesn't take much to do that, lol.

You said this when they were little.

Ok the ears have been cleared their is nothing medically wrong with them. This vet though did do a fecal and found small amounts of a parasite. So the babies are on meds for 10 days and the do not like it. The vet said they most likely contracted the parasite thrus their moms milk so i am going to call the breeder and tell him. The babies are now fast asleep in their cage. Oh and their sexes have been confirmed!
How come the medicine didn't sort out the problem?

Has he got a different problem going on? You mentioned an abscess? Where is it? What have you tried to try and sort it?
What about the payment plan I mentioned? What exactly is wrong with Salem?

I just want to help. :)
Do you want me and you to make work out a post (i.e. what info is needed) and post it in the rehome forum? We might be able to find Salem a home on the forum.

If you want to, PM me :)
I found a rabbit rescue nearby that will take and care for Salem. The lady says their vet will look at him and treat him probono. All the vet did when i took him vat examine it and perscribe antibotics.
Camarie wrote:
I found a rabbit rescue nearby that will take and care for Salem. The lady says their vet will look at him and treat him probono. All the vet did when i took him vat examine it and perscribe antibotics.
Is it a no kill one?
Happi Bun wrote:
Why hasn't the abscess been lanced and drained by the vet?

As a breeder - I never lance an abcess but will drain it if it opens up itself. I treat abcesses with antibiotics (less than $20).....and I know that Randy (ra7751) does this too.

I hope if Salem is going to a shelter - it is a "no-kill" one. Poor guy...

It seems you have your mind set already. I completely agree with if you cannot afford the vet care then you shouldn't have the pet, but to be honest it doesn't seem like many options have been looked into. Please know I am not judging you, just trying to help you make a decision you wont regret. An abscess is something that is very treatable and like Peg pointed out, by antibiotics.

People have been working with you in your other thread but you just seemed to have stopped replying, perhaps it would help to start it up again with clear pictures and more information of what has been already tried?

I feel for Salem. He is ill and will now have his whole world turned upside down by losing his special caregiver and everything that's familiar. New places can be terribly frightening for rabbit's. I worry about the stress lowering his immune system, making him succumb to the infection even more.
It is a no kill shelter and she says they have what is needed for Salem to get better. I have tried treating the abses with antibotics but it hasnt gotten better.
I hope Salem gets the proper care he needs and finds a forever home. Good luck Salem.
Yes Gizmo is a great bunny lol he sits on my lap while i watch tv or on the laptop. He also enjoys socializing with LadyBug who is getting a little moody with the pregnancy. Once the babies are bown i will so post pics. Her belly isnt that big so i am hoping for a small litter.

"There is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to other animals as well as humans, it is all a sham." —Black Beauty
Camarie wrote:
Yes Gizmo is a great bunny lol he sits on my lap while i watch tv or on the laptop. He also enjoys socializing with LadyBug who is getting a little moody with the pregnancy. Once the babies are bown i will so post pics. Her belly isnt that big so i am hoping for a small litter.
Why are you letting a rabbit with powerful hind legs around a pregnant guinea pig?
Because my rabbit is socail with guinea pigs and will not hurt her. All Gizmo does is clean Ladybug then walks away. If he showed any agression towards her i wouldnt let him near her. And the time they are near eachother only is a couple of mins and now i am not doing it cause she is too fat for me to pick up to much.
Sometimes rabbits don't mean to hurt other animals. It can be as simple as Gizmo spooking over a noise heard in the house or outside...then trampling over LadyBug.

Sorry, but I am just trying to save you from a costly trip to the vet if PREGNANT LadyBug get's hurt.