Sorry Gumbo, very short-staffed in here! As Jan said, bunnies' teeth grow continuously and need to be ground down, which usually happens when they eat hay and grass and other firm, chewy things. But especially with the short faced breeds like Netherland Dwarfs. Holland Lops, etc, their jaws aren't always aligned properly to do this, and they can get little 'spurs' growing out from their teeth and rubbing on their tongues and cheeks. Pipp is a ND who won't eat hay, so she's prone to spurs. If you have a bunny that seems hungry but will drop food after picking it up, a dental problem is likely.
Meanwhile, Pipp is no better. I've called the vet, they want me to go in today, but it's horrible timing for me for one thing, and I'd also like to give her another day or two to see how she does.
She ate 25 or so pellets last night, she's eating apple and a little grated carrot, she tried nibbling on kale today (while I was on the phone to the vet).The store didn't have pumpkin, but when I find some, I'm sure she'll eat some of that. She's not lethargicor all that unhappy, but it obviously hurts when she chews.
I'mmostly afraid that avisual exam isn't going to be enough,a head x-ray will make mefeel more secure, but I'm not entirely sure she'll need it and being flat broke, don't want to blow a wad unless it's for sure the best option.I don't want to go today and have them say 'if she's not better, bring her back for x-rays'.
I do fear that the last procedure on Wednesday has cracked a tooth root(orsomething), which can waita few days.or she's got a budding abscess (or something) whichcan't.So far, nothing is apparent, but they can be hidden, or pop upfast.
Complicating the issue, the vet isn't in on Monday, so the choices are today or Tuesday.
What to do, what to do.. :huh

anic:and pipp :hanging: