Pipp is at the V-E-T.

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Aww feel better quickly little Pipp (oh my goodness..when i went to write Pipp's name,i was going to put an i on the end :()

Come on girl,get better for your mum

Sas, is Pipp any better? Has she, at least drank any water, peed/pooped? Though your last post was so humorous and, they way you describe her, she is a little diva, I hope she's getting back to normal by now...

I sure hope the procedure didn't crack a tooth root or something. She definitely wants to eat but it hurts her.

I've been giving her Critical Care mixed with baby food, she won't take it from the syringe, but she's been licking off my finger (the little diva never likesher slurry, pumpkin or anything else too cold,guess it's warmer onfinger).

She is pooping, but not much, obviously.

I've upped her Metacam, but still not doing the trick. I'll see how she is today, but this doesn't seem to be the usual post op stiffness, I'm thinking another visit with you-know-who might be in the cards.

And it may call fora head x-ray. :sigh:

sas :yawn:and pipp :hiding:
Poor Pipp. Ask the vet about Tramadol, it can be given along with the Metacam and is a stronger and better painkiller. I really hope that there's nothing wrong like a damaged tooth root.

Mocha sends her love, from one Diva Dwarf to another.
Aww no, this isn't what I wanted to hear. I thought she'd be recovering better and at least eating something :(.

BTW- I can relate to the sudden rush of Critical Care out of a supposedly blocked syringe - took me ages (and lots of vinegar/bicard ) to clean the walls, floor and blinds :?)

I will be keeping you both in my thoughts - perhaps we should stick Pernod and Pipp together and get them to eat!


ps - Gumbo, spurs are overgrowths of the teeth when they aren't worn down in the right way :)

Sorry Gumbo, very short-staffed in here! As Jan said, bunnies' teeth grow continuously and need to be ground down, which usually happens when they eat hay and grass and other firm, chewy things. But especially with the short faced breeds like Netherland Dwarfs. Holland Lops, etc, their jaws aren't always aligned properly to do this, and they can get little 'spurs' growing out from their teeth and rubbing on their tongues and cheeks. Pipp is a ND who won't eat hay, so she's prone to spurs. If you have a bunny that seems hungry but will drop food after picking it up, a dental problem is likely.

Meanwhile, Pipp is no better. I've called the vet, they want me to go in today, but it's horrible timing for me for one thing, and I'd also like to give her another day or two to see how she does.

She ate 25 or so pellets last night, she's eating apple and a little grated carrot, she tried nibbling on kale today (while I was on the phone to the vet).The store didn't have pumpkin, but when I find some, I'm sure she'll eat some of that. She's not lethargicor all that unhappy, but it obviously hurts when she chews.

I'mmostly afraid that avisual exam isn't going to be enough,a head x-ray will make mefeel more secure, but I'm not entirely sure she'll need it and being flat broke, don't want to blow a wad unless it's for sure the best option.I don't want to go today and have them say 'if she's not better, bring her back for x-rays'.

I do fear that the last procedure on Wednesday has cracked a tooth root(orsomething), which can waita few days.or she's got a budding abscess (or something) whichcan't.So far, nothing is apparent, but they can be hidden, or pop upfast.

Complicating the issue, the vet isn't in on Monday, so the choices are today or Tuesday.

What to do, what to do.. :huh

sas :panic:and pipp :hanging:
Poor Sas! I really hope she perks up for you over the weekend, I'll keep you both in my prayers. :goodluckIt sounds like you are really on top of things, what a great bun momma!!!

This message is for Pip:

C'mon Pip! Get better quick! Here, I'll give you an example:

You shouldloomlike this::happyrabbit:

not this::sickbunny:

:balloons::flowerskiss:GET WELL SOON PIP:airborne::bouquet:
Well my vet has redeemed themselves. I called today to warn them that Pipp was not recovering well from the surgery, the receptionist asked if I could bring her in at 4:30 PM, I said that I'd like to give it a bit more time because she wasn't critical or anything, and even though I was worried, I wanted to make sure I could get an appointment for Tuesday seeing as no vets were in on Monday. She said 'okay, hold on.' Came back a minute later and said, 'Can you make it here by2:30 PM?' :rollseyes

(I honestly think she's just new and trying too hard, she's so intenton doing the job,she'santicipating without actually listening. She very nice, hopefully she just needs her 'sea legs').

I just said no, I'llsee how she does over the next couple of hours and maybe go for the 4:30 one if she wasn't doing well. They called back at 4:45 to check on her, and offered to let me speak to the vet.

He said to increase her Metacam andwatch for swelling, and said that if she was looking bad on Monday, even though none of the vetswould be working, he could arrange to have a SubQ, antibiotics or even an x-ray that I could take to another vet. And he gave me the number for his private line and said he'd keep checking it.

I feel much better. :)

Not sure if Pipp does, though.:( She's refusing to besyringe fed, I haven't forced the issue.I found some pumpkiin, and she ate some of that, but still not much. She''s not lethargic, but she ismostly sticking to her'I'm sick' spot. And she has munched on a few pellets, and she's still interested in the veggies, even though she only nibbles before running off.

Hopefully the increased Metacam will work.

And I'm back to thinking my vet is awesome.

sas :thumbup and pipp :nope:
Good to hear she's still doing okay. I was thinking about her;). Hoping she starts eating more soon. At least she's trying, good sign. Yeah, I bet she improves with more Metacam too.

That is really awesome of your vet. Before I joined the forum, when BunBun was diagnosed with heart failure, my vet gave me his home line too, I thought that was really cool:).
My opinion would be to keep her till Tuesday. It's only two days, she is eating something, rather than nothing, she is under the care of an experienced bunny mom, i.e. she's in safe hands, and I don't think that an x-ray would contribute to her recovery, since you already know the route of her trouble.

Just a thought...

Come on Pipp! Atleast you are eating some.Good you found pumpkin for her.Would she eat more of it, if you warmed it up abit?
Don't you hate weekends, or Monday when the Vets arenot available.

Pebbles and Bebe is still waiting for you come out and visit. :bunny17:
I wonder if they could give her something stronger than Metacam if shes still not well on Tuesday?

Praying your little girl is feeling better soon :pray:

I'm really glad you found some pumpkin and hope Pipp starts to ease your mind at eat more on her own..

Glad your Vet redeemed himself and I can truly relate to your story of dealing with the new vet asst... Your not alone there.. That could be a whole thread of members dealing with Vet staff..

Give Pipp a nose rub for me!!
I'm letting Pipp sink or swim at this point. If she can gobble up oats and treats and munch on a few pellets, she can steel herself to eatherveggies.

I thought she'd be heading into the vet for sure tomorrow seeing as she even ate less than usual last night, but this morning she had actually eaten some veggies.

She's been very slowly munching on them today. She's probably eating less than 1/4 of her usual intake, but she's still active.

She's due for a dose of Metacam, that's what's probably keeping her eating, andif this keeps up, the underlying problem will have to be addressed.

But unless she gets worse, I think she's good for a few more days. We'll see if cutting her off the bits of oats and fruit inspires more action.

Thanks for asking!

sas :bunnydance:and pipp :what