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Sydney and Kirby are so beautiful! I'msure Rolo would love playing with them! He thinks big dogsare great! He's only a wee thing and jumps up on bigdogs. It's a kelpie thing this jumpingup! He's also an Australian breed.

Luckily Rolo had his bits lopped off before we got him... if that'shimcalmed down after neutering, I'd have hated to have seenhim pre-neuter! :shock:

Ang xx
dreamgal042 wrote:
my friend's dog only has 1 dropped too, i guess. of course,she's been telling me he only *has* 1. i didnt know it was possible foronly 1 to drop. could it be possible he only has 1? or did theother just not drop?
Males do not generally have 1. Sometimes they only have 1 showing, but98% of the time the other one is undesended. And they can be hard tofind, because when they don't drop they don't grow. Some vetshave spent some time "searching the body" for the othertesticle. in cases like that though it's very important toget them neutered, because, they are at high risk of testicle cancer ofthe undecended testicle. I would be encourging her to get himneutered. also, they belive that it is passed from generationto generation, so breeding one like that is not advised. the desendedtesticle will be active, but the other one will be steril. Being in thebody cavity is far to warm for anything to live in it. doesthat help?
Delphinum wrote:
Sydney and Kirby are so beautiful! I'm sure Rolowould love playing with them! He thinks big dogs aregreat! He's only a wee thing and jumps up on bigdogs. It's a kelpie thing this jumpingup! He's also an Australian breed.

Luckily Rolo had his bits lopped off before we got him... if that'shimcalmed down after neutering, I'd have hated to have seenhim pre-neuter! :shock:

Ang xx
Sounds like he and Syd would be wild together! She is very playful!

My cousins live next door to me. They have 2 dogs, both veryyoung. It's so funny because Sydney will suddenly jump up anddemand to be let out. When I open the door to do so, I see 2little black noses staring in at me with tails wagging! "CanSydney come out to play?"

She's heard them at the door. They wait for her and they all go out and play for a time. LOL!
Gabby wrote:
dreamgal042 wrote:
myfriend's dog only has 1 dropped too, i guess. of course, she's beentelling me he only *has* 1. i didnt know it was possible for only 1 todrop. could it be possible he only has 1? or did the other justnot drop?
Males do not generally have 1. Sometimes they only have 1 showing, but98% of the time the other one is undesended. And they can be hard tofind, because when they don't drop they don't grow. Some vetshave spent some time "searching the body" for the othertesticle. in cases like that though it's very important toget them neutered, because, they are at high risk of testicle cancer ofthe undecended testicle. I would be encourging her to get himneutered. also, they belive that it is passed from generationto generation, so breeding one like that is not advised. the desendedtesticle will be active, but the other one will be steril. Being in thebody cavity is far to warm for anything to live in it. doesthat help?
This is why we are getting Kirby neutered. We don't want to risk himgetting cancer. We would have shown him and even possibly bred him ifhe did well in the shows. Now he'll just be our pampered pooch.

I think he'd love playing with all of your dogs,too :)

Here's a picture of Kirby from the last Boxer meetup I attended. Notethat he's doing that normal "getting to know you" dog sniff:shock:*blue collar...
Elf Mommy wrote:
This is why we are getting Kirby neutered. We don't want to risk himgetting cancer. We would have shown him and even possibly bred him ifhe did well in the shows. Now he'll just be our pampered pooch.

I think he'd love playing with all of your dogs,too :)


Here's a picture of Kirby from the last Boxer meetup I attended. Notethat he's doing that normal "getting to know you" dog sniff:shock:*blue collar...
picture missing :(
LOL! Kirby's getting a good sniff in there! :D

LOL Bo, take pictures of the doggies next door!

Our neighbour hates dogs... so much so that she's been to environmentalhealth and complained about Rolo's barking(which he isn't so bad for)so we're being investigated for that. She's just jealousbecause we bought the house that her mother wanted to buy and as wethen got a dog, we're suddenly the hateful neighbours.Luckily the env. health dept have been the house, have seen that we'renot mistreating Rolo and are taking him to dog training classes weeklyand that we aren't hateful, nasty people with a noisy dog.

The people on the other side of us have an 8 year old King CharlesSpaniel and they never hear Rolo. LOL Though hedoes bark over the fence if he hears her out. :D

Ang xx