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Oh, I love all the doggies !!! Most are black orblack and white! Did anyone notice that besides me?Here is a pic of my Sydney, not sure if I've posted one here before.

Thank you :) She's a biggoof. She'll be 3 in April. My sister has hersister and our neighbors' dogs were the ones who were bred...... theygave her to us. I never thought I'd like having an AustralianShepard. The parent dogs are very territorial andloud! Sydney is a bit nasty if someone comes up to the door,but she's a big baby once she knows who it is. I have towatch closely...... she can open the storm door..... she got so excitedone day to see my niece at the door, she opened it and knocked my nieceon her butt LOL!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Thank you :) She's a big goof. She'll be3 in April. My sister has her sister and our neighbors' dogswere the ones who were bred...... they gave her to us. Inever thought I'd like having an Australian Shepard. Theparent dogs are very territorial and loud! Sydney is a bitnasty if someone comes up to the door, but she's a big baby once sheknows who it is. I have to watch closely...... she can openthe storm door..... she got so excited one day to see my niece at thedoor, she opened it and knocked my niece on her butt LOL!
ilove the herding breeds... i think they are my fav, pure or mixed..
I love them now! Syd's father is alarge and loud Aussie, her mom is smaller but sneaky. SHe'sthe kind that will bite you in the butt if you turn around LOL!

Syd weighs 68# which is pretty large for an aussie. Her sisis only about 40#. She's very petite and Syd is notLOL! She's not fat, just big! Smart as heck also!

Everyone thinks she's a border collie because she's black andwhite...... but I point out there's no tail there! :) I gottaget her papers into the AKC. *sigh*
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I love them now! Syd's father is a large and loudAussie, her mom is smaller but sneaky. SHe's the kind thatwill bite you in the butt if you turn around LOL!

Syd weighs 68# which is pretty large for an aussie. Her sisis only about 40#. She's very petite and Syd is notLOL! She's not fat, just big! Smart as heck also!

Everyone thinks she's a border collie because she's black andwhite...... but I point out there's no tail there! :) I gottaget her papers into the AKC. *sigh*
it would be easy to mistake... there are so many dog breeds idon't know...i find it interesting when i can see one at work and seejust exactly what they look like
Thank you :) We were going to show him. I wasreally excited about getting into the "show life" but since histesticle didn't drop, we're just going to have a really handsome pet.:) He's as spoiled rotten as Elf is. LOL
Elf Mommy wrote:
Thank you :) We were going to show him. I was really excitedabout getting into the "show life" but since his testicle didn't drop,we're just going to have a really handsome pet. :) He's as spoiledrotten as Elf is. LOL
is he a bilateral criptorchid? or singular?
LOL I had to look it up :DI just knewthat when I felt, there's only one there. Show dogs have to be used tothe judge checking, so I've been stacking him and checking since I gothim.
Elf Mommy wrote:
LOL I had to look it up :DI just knew that when Ifelt, there's only one there. Show dogs have to be used to the judgechecking, so I've been stacking him and checking since I got him.
oh boy LOL.. did the other one come close, or did it stay high?
Delphinum wrote:
"Wurrlll, wurlf woooorf wuff wuff" said Rolo... I think itmeans... "Yeah, that sounds fab, I'll just put on my tartan coat, headcollar and lead and head over!"

You lot are NUTS!!!! LOL But I still like yas' all LOL:p
my friend's dog only has 1 dropped too, i guess.of course, she's been telling me he only *has* 1. i didnt know it waspossible for only 1 to drop. could it be possible he only has 1?or did the other just not drop?