Pickles Is Sick!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Orlando, Florida, USA
our cat Pickles has an upper raspatory infection; he's on meds, but he also hasn't eaten his breakfast, which is NOt normal for him. Please pray for Pickles, he's ten, i've had him since i was four. we've grown up together, i don't want to lose him!


Please Pray !

Anna(and Moch and Prince)
He's probably just not feeling well. Is he on antibiotics? Those can upset his tummy.

Cats are amazingly resilient to illnesses. He might act kind of quiet for a couple of days while he heals.
Poor Pickles! We'll be sending our thoughts your way.

I agree with what Bo said, if Pickles is on antibiotics, they may be upsetting his stomach. Plus, cats usually won't eat what they can't smell. Try giving him stronger smelling food, or microwaving it a bit. Microwaving it will bring out the smell. I have two cats currently on antibiotics. Mercury has a UTI (his 20th in the last two years) and is on doxy, and Aurora has an infected spay incision/bad suture reaction (and people wonder why I'm paranoid about my pets) and is on amoxi. I have to be careful when I give her amoxi because it's been known to upset cat's stomachs, and she's already decorated my floor a few times because I gave it to her right after she ate.
true cat's typically wont eat if they can't smell. and the microwaving the food to bring out the smell, plus finding the stinkiet food can help. but cat's shouldn't go more than a day or 2 without eating (they say 3 days can cause it)because it can put them into Feline Hepatic Lipidosis (Fatty Liver Disease). I don't know if you are famular with force feeding, if not please ask your vet to show you the best way how. you may have to force feed for a few days till your kitty gets smell back. best of luck. kitty is in our thoughts
:pray:I is praying for Pickles, And thats (ironicly) how babii sleeps, with her paws it the air together so i'll tell her to be praying for Pickles, One question..

Where in the hoot did you get the name Pickles..Hehe, Atleast it's Original.:biggrin2:
I hope Pickles get better soon, we too have a Pickle in our house. My daughter and I use to read a book called The Little Kitten, in the book the kittens name was Pickle so when my daughter, now 19 got a kitten last month she named her Pickle.

I will be praying for your Pickles!

URI's are awful. My kittens both had them soon after I adopted them. Bring the cat into the bathroom with you when you shower, the steam helps clear out the mucous from the nose. Then feed her right after, she'll be able to smell it better. Warm canned food is also easier to smell, especially if it's stinky fishy stuff.

Also, my cats recovered best with amoxycillan as the antibiotic but it upset their stomachs. I gave the meds with food (mixed it in a tiny bit of canned food and they wolfed it down) then a few hours later I'd give them a little Benebac (probiotic) mixed with a little more canned food. It helped a lot. You can get Benebac at pet stores, feed stores, or from your vet.
we're back early from Church to keep an eye on him.

a) i was four and the idea came from a book. i woudn't hear of any thing other than Pickles, LOL!)

b)he's doing 'alright'. he's had a little food, a bit of water, and went to the bath room. but he looks tired and, well, kinda....OLD, if you know what i mean. he's on

Clavamox(amoxicillin trihydrate/clavulanate) one 125 mg twice a day


Cyproheptadine, 4mg, half a tab twice a day.

he's been on those since Friday afternoon. he's out on the bach pourch right now, on HIS bench, looking at the nieghbore dogs!

thanks for the prayers!


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