After Zeus had his stasis problems, I was feeding him probiotics regularly. Though at first I thought that it did help to get his poop more normal looking, later on he was still having his irregular megacolon poop and it just wasn't getting any better and he was even having some soft poop, so I decided to stop the probiotics, and his poops look a lot better now. Not so irregular shaped, and they look much more normal looking. So, though at first the probiotics did help some, I feel that continuing to give it to him, and the sugars that are added to it, just made the digestive problems continue to some extent, as evident in his odd poop. So now Zeus has no regular supplements or meds. He only gets timothy hay, a little alfalfa, and green leaf lettuce, and he has done well on that. I never feed him anything with sugar anymore. If I had to give him meds, I guess I might have to. But since stopping the probiotics, he hasn't had to have anymore meds. I haven't even seen any soft poops for a while either, and he was having a few when I would first let him out to play.
I of course can't say for sure, but it sounds to me like this last stasis bout may have had to do with the hydropet and maybe the benebac, and not due to the fact that you stopped the critical care and that he was only eating hay. You know for sure that he got severly bloated the other day, from the hydropet, and with him having it at the time of getting stasis, it seems to be the most likely culprit, with the benebac being a possibility, and maybe the CC, since he is still getting a little bloated after stopping the hydropet. You'll really only be able to know for sure by stopping it. It doesn't seem to me that he is getting bloated because of an imbalance of gut bacteria or you would be seeing mushy cecotropes, and you aren't seeing those are you, or small fecal poop? So stopping it shouldn't hurt and may actually help. It might be a problem though if he's still getting baytril. What meds is he still getting?