Well-Known Member
Hi...I'm new here and wanted to give my 2 centson pet stores. I just got my 1[suP]st [/suP]bunny from alocal Petland on January 1st. He seemed perfectly fine, butby January2nd he seemed to have a problem with one of hisears and one eye and was sneezing. I had to bring him to theVet on the 3rd because they weren't open on the 2nd. The Vetsaid he has a cold...but there is a good chance that he may havepasteurella. She put him on baytril for the next 14 days andwe have to see if he improves. I forgot to mention that onthe 2nd the day before we took him to the vet we called Petland to tellthem what was going on with him and how he was sick and their responsewas pretty much well we don't know what to say about it, call avet. While we were at the Vets we asked her all sorts ofquestions about what and how much he should eat and we told her whatPetland had recommended. She told us that the pellet mix theyhad us buy was all wrong and that they told us to feed him way toomuch. So, we had to go out and buy new food. Idont think anyone at the pet store new anything aboutrabbits. The young man that had supposedly helped us andanswered all our questions was the person that we were told new themost about rabbits (ha
yeah right). I dont know why I didntrealize what a mistake we were making when we were at the petstore. The man who was helping us had actually tried to getus to buy two rabbits, one of which was injured. His mangerhad told him that if we bought the two we would get the cage they werein with them. I feel so stupid now for getting my bunny atthe same place that tried to sell us and injured rabbit. Iwill tell you that I will never make that mistake again. Ihave learned my lesson and if I get another rabbit I will get itthrough a shelter or breeder. Im just so upset that thebunny I fell in love with and brought home may be sick for the rest ofhis life. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that they also lied tous about the breed of rabbit we were getting. The Vet saidthat we dont have a Netherland Dwarf, he is a mix. Now dontget me wrong I love my little bunny and Im glad we are getting him thehelp he needs
its just very frustrating. I honestly feel sohorrible that I could be so naïve about the whole situation
what was Ithinking