Well-Known Member
Awww, darn it. well thanks anyway BM!
I thank Paul profusely for his very well articulated, insightfulanalysis and for taking the time out of what I know must be a very busyschedule to give us his learned opinions on this.BunnyMommy,
This was Paul, my friend who is a lawyer's, reaction to the site posted.
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I did a 2 year-old rabbit in your zip and got $120/year, notsure if it includes routine coverage (doubtful).
The bulk of health insurance is not true insurance but rather a poolingof risks and thus a smoothing of costs among a group. Insurance onlycomes into it if you have (like I do), insurance you pay for yourselfthat protects against major illness/hospitalizations; most costs comeout-of-pocket. For a pet, especially a rabbit that I suspectan owner wouldn't pay heroic amounts to save, I would guess thatinsurance probably does not make sense. In other words,assuming the $120 doesn't cover $120 of routine exams and vacinnations,that'sa large wager over a couple years that you'd recoupthose premiums in care cost.
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