Pet Insurance ... Revisited

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P.S. You guys are making mefeel bad!!! I just read what I posted again. Ithink because I posted it so fast it may have come off as beingcurt.

I didn't meanto!

No tears.

Much Love,


I know you understand. As much as you're watching out for Tucks andFauna, Missy, Calbert and their family, along with Gabby's Group, we'rewatchin out for Sherman and everybun else.


one thing that i wouldnt like is paying it first.If a bill was going to run 3000 even if i know i was going to get itback i couldnt pay that much money.

Loz n Ebony

We can get rabbit insurance in the UK. I have both mine insured withPetPlan. It costs me £6.50 for each rabbit a month. Maybe you could askyour parents if they would consider paying this? For my bunnies I haveto pay the first £40 in excess of any claim but I think it is worth it.My Crunchie has had 2 operations in the last couple of months costingabout £600 and all I have had to pay is £40 so far!

In the UK the insurance does not cover having your bunny spayed orneutered either and they also stipulate that you must have your rabbitvaccinated against VHD & Myxo if you don't the insurance willnot pay out.

Also in the UK we have to pay the vets bills upfront and then claim themoney back through the insurance. What I do is pay on my credit cardand then pay it off when I get the cheque from the insurance companywhich only takes about 10 days here so I am not out of pocket for longusually the cheque arrives before I get my credit card bill.
Foofy, thanks for this great testimonial!!! :D

It's good to hear from someone with firsthand experience of this sort of thing.

I did research PetPlan, but if I remember correctly we couldn'tget coverage here in the States (I think that was theproblem).

I think that I'm going to be very happy with thiscompany. You've come up with a great solution to the payingup front problem too. I hadn't thought about putting it onthe credit card and then paying that off with thereimbursement. Hrrrrrmph ... this is getting easierand easier by the minute!!! :cool:

Glad I could help! Am a dab hand at filling out the insurance formsnow! We only have to fill in a small amount & the vet does therest and sends it off as well.

We are allowed up to £2,000 of treatment per rabbit a year here in theUK. As in my case if your vet will put the claim through as acontinuation of the last claim you do not have to pay another lot ofexcess as well! Which is what has happened in my case as Crunchie had amammary tumour removed then had to have injections for mites which Iwas able to claim for as a continuation because she only got them asshe was run down from the tumour! Yesterday she had another operationto have another lump removed all done as a continuation of the veryfirst claim! They even pay for the lumps to be sent off to the lab tobe tested!

I would thoroughly recommend anyone to get their Bunnies insured ifthey can! My vets have told me that most people do not bother in the UKwhich is a shame I think! As you do not have to worry at all about whattreatment you have done and can give your bunny the best ofeverything!:)
JEEEEEEEEZ, leave you guys alone for just a couple of days and you beat up poor ol BM

here yago

teasing again btw..Cher
I am trying to see how much the insurance costsper month or per year. I have way too many animals. 3 cats and 2 dogs,a bunny and fish. and now my son is earning money for toads. We are azoo. Most of my animals are older so i can see some high vet bills inthe future.


I know in the UK you cannot get cats insured if they are over the ageof 11. I know because I tried it my cat was in her teens when I triedto get her insured and they wouldn't touch her! Although if you startthe insurance before the age of 11 they will insure the animal for therest of its life.

I am not sure about the age limit on rabbits though although I think there must be one same as with cats.
I have 3 cats. Youngest is 7 yrs and then nine yrs and thirteen. Does them being young at heart count?? just kidding :)

do watch out though some places do drop an animalafter it hits a certain age. or they only cover a very small % afterage X, I just like people to be careful.

As to the credit card thing, some people can't get one, does pose aproblem, I'm not sure what other vet offices provide, butours have a credit care place you can apply to if your billis more than you can afford. that might be worth looking into as well.

I think if you can find the right plan and have a fewcrittersit can be helpful, but when you have several critters yougotta weigh the options. ;-) do let the group knowhow it goes if any of you sign up. hopefully though there will not beany reason to use it

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