Peg's Lionhead thread / babies/ moms & more

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Now here is Nadia's litter. I'm verydisappointed in this litter as I feel like these rabbits are mainly petquality based upon their faces and their ears. They could surprise meand develop awesome manes...

I only took a couple of photos of them (and one is missing from the photos)...

These were born on 12/1. See how their faces are more angularthan the ones up above? I'm sure they're going to be cute andpersonable (they are younger and that really does make a difference intheir personality showing up)...but as far as show quality - I don'tthink I'd sell them for that.

Now I'll go ahead and share some photos of thelionlops I have. These are 1/2 lop and 1/2 lionhead. I know one blackand the tan are both bucks - I think the whole litter is bucks(Gee...thanks Milina).

Hey there...she said it was "family photo time"

"Ok...everyone smile"

"I really don't care about pictures..."

"I think I'm the cutest and it will show up if I show my best side...which is...? This one...must be this one.."

"Who you calling airplane ears?"

"I'll only pose for photos if I'm alone. I won't pose with my littermates..."

Great pics! You must be very busy right now with all these babies around the holidays! :santawink:

I love Calypso's litter, their coloring is just gorgeous! Also, the lionlops are beautiful! I want one ;)
As you can tell, I'm busy taking photos this afternoon.

This is Romance's litter and they are a hoot. To me they all are goingto be showable I think....still watching to see. One of them is a realham.

Whenever I go into the rabbitry, mom usually has one of these guyseither on her back or her head. Yep - they will sit on her head or layon her head...and she just lets them.

What do you mean you had to put us back in the box to keep us from chewing on things? We were HAVING FUN! she still here or can we jump out of the box?

Wait a minute - she hasn't put my picture up here on the forum yet....I have got to talk to her about this...

Um....breeder mom? Why haven't you posted my photo yet?

Breeder mom...I'm looking for you. I want an explanation...where's my photo?

Here is Anissa's litter

Go away. I'm shy.

I'm sleepy.

I'm scared.

Ok....on the count of three let's all give her the bunny butt! (Oh...wait a minute...does anyone know how to count to three?)

How adorable! I love this one:

I also love the bunny butt one (perfect captions). They just look likelittle teddy bears or something. Can you send them all up here? Thatswhat I want for Christmas ;)
Wait till I start posting pictures of the brokens (they don't have their eyes open yet so I'm waiting a bit).

Talk about CUTE....

I'm in love with brokens.....

Oh - that one who is such a ham....really is a ham in personality. I'dput him in the container and he'd be back out in less than 10 secondsusually. He explored all over the desk, found a piece of hay andthought he was so blessed (till he ate it all and couldn't find more)and then tried to chew on envelopes.

The others were like, "Get back in the box or you'll be in trouble" andhe just sort of flicks them off and goes off to explore again...

Such a hoot. Of course, he's a buck too...(thinking of the chinchilla).My two favorites are bucks - which means I'll have to sell them....

That is a bit hard....

Peg babies say "thank you". Some of themseem to think that they're pretty a certain little guywho wouldn't stay in the basket once he figured out how to jump out....

He loved looking at the computer screen (he's the one who wanted to know where his picture was..).

OH! Wow! TinysMom

They are all Soo Beautiful, I want to BunnyNapthem All.:inlove:

Especially this one. :inlove:

Or even this little Sneaky One.

He/She is So darn Cute. :heartbeat:

I'd Love to see more Pics of these Babiesalso, the CutiestBookends Ever.

I love the way they're Colored!

Oh! What the heck I'll take them all,How many do youthinkcan live together in a very large NIC cage! :laugh:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"
I'll plug in the batteries to charge before Ihead to bed and take photos tomorrow. Their eyes are just opening andtehy aren't active (yet)...but by the time I get up in themorning...that I don't know...

They're really cute...


Haley wrote:
Merry Christmas to you and your gang!

When do we get to see the brokens??
I know...y'all want photos of the brokens...andthey're coming - I promise. I wanted to wait till they were a bit olderand had more personality....well...I think the time is coming.

I had to share something funny that happened.

One of Ohana's broken babies got out of the nest while mama was deadasleep...laying on her side. Baby has its eyes open and of course itsfirst thought is "MILK!".

Mama wakes up just as baby latches on....and she sits up and isFURIOUS. She thumps at baby - who looks at her longingly and then shethumps again.

Baby heads back for nest. Baby sits in nest peeking out at mama. Shethumps one more time and baby heads back in with its littermates andlays back down to sleep.

Mama goes back to sleep after keeping one eye open for a bit.

Yep...they're definitely getting some personality.

Oh - as a side note....Art is letting me keep the fawn lionlop buck. I'm so excited.

I was telling Art "We have the cutest little lionlop buck and I want to keep him".

Art is out in the kitchen going, "Yeah...haven't we been done this route before..."

I'm carrying baby out to the kitchen and saying, "Now look nice for breeder daddy."

Art looks at the kit - his mouth drops open and he goes "OH GOD!" Hismouth continues to stay open for another minute or so and then he says,"Yeah...I can see why you want to keep him."


We're going to name him Runny Babbit after the book by Silverstein.(He's the one in the photos going, "Who are you calling airplaneears?").

Anyway - I'll try to do photos soon of the brokens...they're becoming so cute.

And Nadia's litter which I wasn't thrilled turning out REALLY well. I'll add photos of them too...

who is watching some babies binky in the weanling cage as she types this...
:great:The babies sound like so much fun!

It must be a blast all the time at your place with all those guys running around.

I cant wait to see pics!
I'm not sure if it was the same baby or not -but today a baby came out of its nest and looked at Mama. She thumped.It gave her the butt.

She thumped again.

Now here's the part that shocked me.


Then it hopped in its nest and looked back at her.

I really need to get a better look at her babies so I know which one it is. I think it was the same one....

I have never seen a baby so young THUMP at its mom. She was prettygrumpy ... yes...but I suspect the baby has been getting out a lot whenI'm not around and she doesn't want them out yet (she's a first timemama).

Ok...this isn't brokens - it is the lionlop thatArt is letting me keep. (He talks about this guy with the sameaffection in his voice as when he talks about I know hereally likes him).

We've decided to name him "Billy Sunny" - which is a play on "Silly Bunny"...


Oh yuck. Human kisses...yuck.

Aren't there any toys on this desk for a sweet bunny like me?

I WANT TOYS! I WANT TREATS...or I'm heading for Cut N Shoot Texas where I know I'll get spoiled....

Fine. I'm gonna sit here and sulk....

P.S. Brokens coming up next...
This is Ohana's litter. She is the one whothumped at her baby and sent it back to the nestbox....and then gotthumped today BY a baby. I know it was one of the two brokens but Idon't know which one... on the count of three - we'll do the butt. (I'll count do I count to three?)

I can do the butt - even on the slipper surface...see?

Ahh...that's better

Hey....I found something...I think it is the hand...

Hey...did you know that your butt makes you look fat? It smells bad too...

Here is Butterscotch's litter. She was kindenough to leave my arm (but not by much) as she was NOT happy about mewaking up her babies for this...

Hey...what do you say we practice the butt? I'll go tell the others...(broken tort saying this)

Hey...where did the broken tort go? We're doing the butt now!

(Broken tort saying this) - See mama...I'm so nice. I don't give you the butt....

(Broken tort again) - Mama - see - I kept my nose clean even!

The broken tort from this litter is VERY nice....I hope to take more photos as it grows up...

Finally, these are NOT lionheads but two of them are brokens. A bit of backstory...

when we first got Puck, we had people asking us to breed him to get loprabbits as you can't find them within a 3 hour driving distance(minimum). Well, we didn't have a lop doe - but we decided to go aheadand use Jenny (a bigger girl that we had rescued) along with Puck. Herears sometimes appeared to lop and we thought that perhaps people wouldbe happy.

We were stunned at the response. So we have bred them 3 more times andwe also got Milina - a Holland Lop doe - so that we can have lop babiesfor this area.

I do NOT recommend "heinz 57" breeding like this and I would notnormally do it. However, we had people practically begging for babiesout of Puck...and these babies go as quickly as our lionheads (andsometimes quicker).

We've only had to keep one baby (a little boy) who may be adopted laternext month. We are prepared to keep any we breed and we do NOT turnthem over to shelters...

With that said....Puck & Jenny's babies

I wasn't able to get a good photo of the black - but there are twobrokens, a chestnut and a black. I'm pretty sure that at least three ofthe four will have ears that lop...
