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Lori L

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2006
Reaction score
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Sorry to say I don't think the new cage isworking out. This morning I woke to pee everywhere and poopeverywhere in the cage. Then right in front of me Toto goesinto the box I have in the corner for her to play in andpees. The newspaper I put in there has pee all over it, themat I have in there has pee all over it. Any ideas?
How long has she been in the new cage?My buns have taken anywhere from a few days to several weeks to adjustto a new cage, and in the meantime their litter training went right outthe window. She should get better in time. Rightnow you can think of it both as claiming her territory and testing allthe possible pee spots.;)

Just keep cleaning with vinegar, and remove anything such as cardboard that have been soiled but can't be cleaned.
Lori, I think I've suggested multiple litterboxes before on other threads you've posted (??? - can't recall rightnow). At any rate, your bun is marking this new condo as hers, and it'sperfectly normal for her to do so.

I used 3 litterboxes in Nibbles' condo and x-pen when she 1st came homewith me, taking care to note where she liked to poop/pee. I cleaned upa lot, as Naturestee said above. And I still have to at times - Nibblesoccasionally thinks she has to mark certain parts of her run, mostlywith a few stray poops.

It's the way rabbits are - there's nothing we can do to change that,but if we work with them, it's not so much of a battle.

For my part, i'd done a *lot* of reading on their habits, so I expectedN. to mark territory. I don't know if you've read some of the threads(etc.) posted in the Bunny 101 section of this board, but stronglysuggest that you check them out.

you might also want to grab a copy of Marinell Harriman's House Rabbit Handbook (you can purchase it on

Am also wondering if the rescue you adopted her from allows calls fromnew owners? Because the folks at my local rescue organization were/areon call for me and other adopters, and have helped a *lot* with severalquestions I've had. It's definitely worth a try on your part, I think.

Edit: here are some relevant threads from Bunny 101 -
Well I unassembled the cage and it's goingback. She is in her old cage with the dor open and she evenventured out which she never does. I just can't have all thepee, the poops are nothing. She peed on the mat that I had inthere, the paper bag, the box etc. I have 2 litterboxes butonly kept one in the NIC cage...perhaps I should have put the other butthen there would not have been room for everything else and I did notthink of it.
... she was just marking her stuff in her newcage, I don't think it was a reason to take the cage apart.She would have eventually shown you which spot she wanted to use as herbathroom. She probably loved her new area, so she was lettingyou know that it was all hers.

ah well.


She would have settled down eventually I think. BunBun was the same inhis new cage, he went from having one that was tiny to being 6 footlong and his litter training went right out the window. Then it gotbetter again, and I got him neutered and it got worse when he got back,and now it's good again! If your NIC cage was too small to fit twolitter boxes then maybe it was too small alltogether and the bunnyfeels a bit bored in there? A bored bunny is often a naughty bunny inmy experience.

Did you only have newspaper in the litter tray with nothingon top? Peeing straight into newspaper is often unpleasant for thebunny because before the paper gets a chance to soak the pee up it runsall under the bunny and it would be all wet and gross feeling for her.I put some hay in my litter trays and BunBun sits in one end to pee andeats the hay from the other end.
Lori, please excuse my being so direct, but you seem very frustrated and impatient with your bunny.

You need to be patient and give her a chance. If that's hard for you,she might not be the right bunny for you. I'd hate to see her have tobe returned to the shelter, but honestly, taking her new condo apartand taking it away wasn't fair to her. You gave her a new, largerhabitat of her own and then "punished" her for reacting normally -i.e., by marking. She doesn't understand why you took it away, letalone what she did "wrong." She's just a bunny, and marking territoryis something you cannot change. She's very much in an adjustmentperiod right now, as many of us have told you in this and otherthreads. It takes *time* for bunnies to learn to trust new people andnew environments. There are no shortcuts in this process.

Lots of us have given your good suggestions. Maybe re-checking the threads you've posted previously would help?

Toto is a rabbit, not a dog or a cat. Her instincts and habits areinnate to her species. Rabbits are very fastidious animalsand I'm sure she can get settled in OK if you give her the chance.Nibbles went to every corner of her condo and marked it by peeing whenshe was new here. I sopped up her pee with paper towels and out thosein her litter box, and I cleaned up the puddles with vinegar. Then Iput boxes in the corners - and, after a little while, voila! But shewill occasionally mark things - like my bed, if I let her up. it'sinstinctual behavior, but there are ways to work with my bun. itseems to me that you want Toto to stop all marking. That won't happen.

HoneyPot wrote:f
... she was justmarking her stuff in her new cage, I don't think it was a reason totake the cage apart. She would have eventually shown youwhich spot she wanted to use as her bathroom. She probablyloved her new area, so she was letting you know that it was all hers.

ah well.

ec wrote:
Am also wondering if the rescue you adopted her from allows calls fromnew owners? Because the folks at my local rescue organization were/areon call for me and other adopters, and have helped a *lot* with severalquestions I've had. It's definitely worth a try on your part, I think.

I know they take phone calls and emails. We rescued two bunnies fromthe same shelter. Ive emailed them, they emailed back. They have calledme too.
Hi all,

My name is Pam and I am the founder and shelter manager of Sweet BinksRabbit Rescue in Rhode ISland. Where Toto (SweetiePie wasadopted from.) I am a little perplexed thatyouare asking a forum that doesn't know SweetiePie and notcontacting Ellen and I for advice. We are both long time HRSEducators and I personally know the rabbit you adopted well and candefinitely assist. We havealso have ourown forum for Sweet Binks adopters on Yahoo as well. Not thatI do not appreciate the folks on this list for the good job they havedone assisting, I do appreciate that. But you need to callmyself or Ellen if you are having problems. It has only been3 weeks and you are making an awful lot of changes (which rabbits donot like!) and Sweetie has been in a few homes already in herlife. Unfortunately, she is used to being shuffled around andshe needs a patient and consistent home right now..... She isa wonderful rabbit and needs a forever home this time. Pleaselet us help you.......

Personally, I do not like NIC condos and would only suggest them forwell established buns. Save the NIC for a later date but keepthings routine for at least 6 months or so. NIC pens I think(personally) are a better choice.

Hi Pam and welcome to RO! Weve heard great things about your rescue!

Lori, Im sorry youre having so much trouble! Just try to be patient. Ittakes time for a bunny to settle in. Marking is normal and too muchchange all at once can be very overwhelming.

Sounds like Pam is willing to help you through whatever troubles you may be having.

Best Wishes!
Its pretty much the equivalent of taking a sharpie and writing your child's name on all their stuff.
Wow, Pam, that's wonderful that you logged onand became a member to help Lori out! Shows what awonderfully attentive shelter you guys have! How nice tosee! :)

Welcome to the site!

Hi Pam! Welcome! That'sgreat that you want to help Lori and Sweatie so much that you postedhere. I hope she takes you up on it and doesn't feel likeshe's being attacked by the posts. We are all just trying tohelp her and give her the information she needs to help Sweatieadjust. I've done enough research to know thatrabbits are creatures of habit and therefore, don't like change, whichhas already been posted by others in this thread. That's themain thing. Patience is a virtue.

Lori, Pam and all of us just want to help you. I hope youdidn't take offense to what we are trying to tell you. Thebest thing you can do is give Sweatie a chance, they must have thoughtyou were serious about getting a rabbit, or they wouldn't havelet you adopt her.
Hi Pam! welcome to the board! i justwent through your website and it is good to know that there are peoplelike you outthere to rescue bunnies. That is very nice ofyou! and all the buns look sooooo adorable!
I sooooo appreciate everyone's help.Let me clarify a few things. I took down the cage possibly inhaste but NOT as a punishment. I didn't yell at her oranything and what might sound like me being impatient is not affectingToto, I'm sweet, loving and gentle with her. My son and Ilove her and have no intention of returning her to SweetBinks.

Hi Pam, actually I just wrote you the other day but have not heardback. I didn't write sooner because frankly I didn't want tobother you. I found this site and everyone seemedknowlegeable and friendly. I personally do not like theformat of the Yahoo groups, that is why I'm not on SweetBinks.

I would like to speak with you about Sweetie Pie and get some first hand advice. Can you email me? - Lori

Actually here is the email I sent to Pam:

Hi Pam,

Just wanted to update you as to Sweetie Pie. Tomorrow it willbe three weeks since she's been here. We've renamed her toToto since my son just watched the Wizard of Oz.

I had some difficulty in letting her loose around the house because shewould pee next to her cage but then I figured out that all I had to dowas put a litterbox in that particular spot and she would gothere. The door to her cage is left open 99% while we arehome but she never comes out on her own. To get her to stayout of the cage I have to take her out and close the door to her cage.
She enjoys just lying on my son's lap while watching TV.

Today I went out and bought some cartons of wire shelving, also knownas NIC (Neat Idea Cubes) and I created this "Bunny Condo" complete witha second level. It's not finished yet, I have to put carpetor something soft on the second level. Either way I doubt shewill go up there. She's very quiet and shy. Do youthink it will still take time for her to come around or is this justher personality. She has been rehomed several times so maybeshe just needs more time to feel at home.

She's so sweet and loveable. Thanks again. Enjoy the picture

Lori, so glad to hear it. Yay for you!:bunnydance: However, I have to say, keep rereadingthe threads, that can answer alot of questions, and you will learnstuff along the way. Some details, especially if yourresearching,may notabsorb (if your on anothersubject, etc.), so to speak. :huh

Good luck and glad you posted. Beautiful cube, btw! :wiggle
If I were in your shoes, Lori (and I havebeen!), I'd take advantage of the resources provided by Sweet Binks.Plus, they know your rabbit and can advise on toys, herpersonality and much more.

One of the things I most enjoy about my bun, Nibbles, is getting toknow her. I've had some panicky moments since I adopted her, but hey...I've gotten the help I've needed (advice on behavior, not medicalproblems) from the folks at the rescue organization where I adoptedher. They've been great!

Overall, I'm finding that Nibbles is very enjoyable and fun to live with. I wish the same for you and Toto.
Hi everyone,

Thank you for the welcome and nice words.I am veryproud of Sweet Binks and we have an excellent reputation and greatvolunteers to boot!I personally am more involved inshelter operations/veterinary care and the actual adoptions.Volunteers Ellen and Jen handle most of the adoption screening, eventsandcorrespondence.

Lori, I did receive your picture of the condo and your e-mailbut you didn't state you had any problems. You stated youputout another litterbox and things were OK.... SoI didn't have anything to reply back with.... On our web siteis a Contact Us page with both my e-mail/phone number and Ellen'se-mail if you have misplaced our info. Being this is a publicboard, I am not going to postour home phone numbersthough. E-mail me privately and I will gladly give you thoseagain.

Keep up the good work helping others everyone! That is huge!! Saving homes is the greatest feeling!!
