Lori, please excuse my being so direct, but you seem very frustrated and impatient with your bunny.
You need to be patient and give her a chance. If that's hard for you,she might not be the right bunny for you. I'd hate to see her have tobe returned to the shelter, but honestly, taking her new condo apartand taking it away wasn't fair to her. You gave her a new, largerhabitat of her own and then "punished" her for reacting normally -i.e., by marking. She doesn't understand why you took it away, letalone what she did "wrong." She's just a bunny, and marking territoryis something you
cannot change. She's very much in an adjustmentperiod right now, as many of us have told you in this and otherthreads. It takes *time* for bunnies to learn to trust new people andnew environments. There are no shortcuts in this process.
Lots of us have given your good suggestions. Maybe re-checking the threads you've posted previously would help?
Toto is a rabbit, not a dog or a cat. Her instincts and habits areinnate to her species. Rabbits are very fastidious animalsand I'm sure she can get settled in OK if you give her the chance.Nibbles went to every corner of her condo and marked it by peeing whenshe was new here. I sopped up her pee with paper towels and out thosein her litter box, and I cleaned up the puddles with vinegar. Then Iput boxes in the corners - and, after a little while, voila! But shewill occasionally mark things - like my bed, if I let her up. it'sinstinctual behavior, but there are ways to work
with my bun. itseems to me that you want Toto to stop all marking. That won't happen.
HoneyPot wrote:f
... she was justmarking her stuff in her new cage, I don't think it was a reason totake the cage apart. She would have eventually shown youwhich spot she wanted to use as her bathroom. She probablyloved her new area, so she was letting you know that it was all hers.
ah well.