Pearl is due and Ember is nesting?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Cork, Ireland
This morning would have been day 31 for Pearl if she conceived the first day she was with the buck (I ended up leaving her for four days) Therefore I was rather surprised to find Ember (who isn't due for another week) with straw in her mouth building a nest.
The two girls are still sharing the same hutch and I have delayed the decision when to separate them until now. I set up another hutch this morning and put the two girls out in the run as the nesting behaviour stopped. They spent most of the day cuddled up together and I can't face putting them back into separate hutches.
It's a bit crazy but I wonder if it would stress them if I separated them as they are so close. I really will have to make up my mind and I am still dithering:(
If they are bonded I would leave them together. I am sure most breeders on here will disagree with me but I have done it and I know 2 others who have done it, not to mention the people they know who have, and there has never been problems. One friend had their two does nest and kindle their babies in the same box and raise them together.

It is one thing to put two unbonded does together to kindle together but it is a totally diffrent thing to let bonded does kindle together. I would leave them and not worry, but that is me. You do what you feel is best.

Keep us updated :D
I think you should separate them. Just put them really close to eachother. Is it possible to to have the hutches close together and make it so they can see eachother? That might help. I just don't think that once the babies come, the mother will be all to happy that there is somebody else in there.

But then again, I don't usually bond my rabbits...I had a bad experience with two sisters...
I hadn't really intended bonding them initially but then we tried them out together in the run and they took to each other instantly. I just put them together into the same hutch when I had to wait for the myxo vaccination to settle. I never expected they'd form such a strong bond.
When I was to pick them up from the run earlier they were lying pressed against each other as if they were one rabbit. It just seemed totally wrong to split them up. So I put them back into their usual hutch but have the other one set up just in case.
Hope things don't get messy and I can't tell whose litter it is:) They shouldn't really kindle at the same time but after watching Ember making a nest when it is Pearl who should be due any time I was a bit confused. Is this a mad idea but could she probably sense that her friend is in need of a nest. Is she showing her perhaps?
I have had does cause other does go into labour. Spontainious abortion. I have only had it happen in does no later than 25 days along in pregnancy. It may happen later in pregnancy but I am unsure and doubt that is happening here. Some does simply nest early. She can probably feel her mate's hormones kicking in and so hers are. If she is not due for a week then that is probably when she will kindle.

Do you have two areas where they can kindle? I know breeders in Ireland do not use nest boxes but I think breeders have attached closed off areas? The does should have the choice of kindling in two diffrent areas :)
There is only one sectioned off area in the hutch. But it is big enough for two nests.
I am feeling actually quite nervous now. I had never heard that the other doe kindling could cause premature labour for the companion:( My main concern was that one doe may attack the other's babies.
The times I have had one doe abort cause another doe abort they where not living together. Each and every time the does where spaced out but all in the same area. Twice it was only two does, once it was three does. I always get these feelings before it happens, I can tell some how *shrugs* I have learned to listen for that sence. The last time it happened, two weeks ago, I only had one doe pregnant. I had a feeling that morning, 3 hours later she had 5 babies. It was day 27 for her.

Just listen to your feelings. If you feel you should do something NEVER brush it off. I have learned it always bites me in the bum if I brush off the feeling.
Actually funnily enough as I went out to the hutch this morning I found Pearl carrying straw into the enclosed bit and was about to raid the hay rack. So I flung another few hand full in. This time Ember just sat watching.
As she stopped after a while and had no fur pulled I put both out into the run to enjoy the sun and the grass. They spent most of the day cuddled up to each other or munching. I can definitely feel the babies in both of them. I am still a bit nervous of the arrangement and would probably separate them instantly if I noticed the tiniest bit of aggression but they seem to be getting even closer.
Now that they have built the nest as a joint effort - Nothing:( I think it may have also been a reaction to the nights suddenly getting a bit cooler again. I remember one of my spayed does doing this shortly before we hit a cold spell.
Pearl should be on day 31 at least so my feeling is that it will happen tonight. Fingers crossed:)
So far I have resisted the urge to pop out repeatedly to check if anything is happening. Thankfully it's dark and cold so I will leave her till the morning. Both are snuggled up and have melted into a two-headed rabbit. I have never seen any two rabbits that close.:)
I was so tired lastnight I did not check at midnight like always. I like to know exactly what day they are born on but I have to work today and was so tired lastnight that I layed down just before 9 PM. *yawn - is now 5:44 AM* still tired.
Pearl kindles last night or the early hours of the morning. She had three babies, all in the nest. One of them was dead though and we removed it. It looked rather peculiar and I am going to post a separate thread about that with pictures.
I took Ember out this morning and will put her into a separate hutch tonight. Pearl started mounting her and Ember wasn't too pleased. I was waiting for a cue from them and I am glad that I've made the decision now.
Ember shouldn't be due until Monday but I reckon it could be any time from now. She certainly feels bigger than Pearl did and I expect 4-5 babies.
I haven't pulled the babies out of the nest but they feel warm and wriggly and are buried deep down in a cosy nest covered in fur. I'll check their bellies in the morning but I got the feeling she may have fed them earlier as she was spending a bit of time with them. I assume both babies will be siamese smoke like both parents.

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