PaSRBA Convention

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My mom and I used to show together too and it was alot of fun to share something like that. Actually, she's looking to get back in with her satins which would be great. It's wonderful that you and your daughter can share something so special.
I am leaving at about 2pm on Friday....have to work in the morning. That should put me there at about 7:30pm depending on NYC traffic.

I am showing Dutch and Jersey Woolies in Open. Most of the Dutch and Wooly breeders know me so just ask for Sharon :) If anyone finds BlueGiants, she knows me too!

I look forward to meeting all of you and hope everyone drives safe!

How did it go for everybody?!!

We bought two new ones- sold two babies. Our red sr. buck won both times- good thing I talked hubby into taking him. The babies also did pretty well.

I took two Sr. White bucks- both were in the top 10 each time out of 17. I was pretty happy considering the breeders that showed up are so tough!! I should look to see what their standings are but I know I have all of their lines in my stock at home- the cheapest rabbit they were selling was $75 but all the others I looked at were $100 juniors... geez... I thought my $40 was asking too much!

How'd everbody else do?
We had a really, reallygreat time. It was really a pleasure to chat with Gingers_Giants and Clevername! Got to meet Lionheadlady (whose daughter did spectacular, especially with her E-lop!!!!) So cool to finally meet people that I've chatted with on RO!

I got 2 new Silver Fox bucks (a Jr. and a Sr.) and a Jr. Doe! Wheee! Can't wait to have lil Silver Fox babies around here! I got to watch the Silver Fox judging both days, and got a much better feel for the breed.

My Blue Flemish did pretty good, 2 shows on Saturday (Open and Specialty) I took Best Opp Variety- Blue in the Open show with a Sr. Doe and Best Blue in the Specialty...with a 4 month old baby!!!!! A really lovely day! (Sunday, my bunnies were a little out of sorts and several wouldn't sit still! Poor table manners!)

I was surprised to find out that what I thought was my best blue Junior Doe got whacked by the gender Fairy and is now a buck! UGH! But it's OK... she-now-a-he, Nebula, is still a very promising young blue.

Sharondid really well with her Dutch! Will try to post photo's from the show later.
We also did very well. My kids got Best of Opposite with a broken Havana buck in youth on Saturday and Best of Opposite with a Jr Blue Buck we bred on Sunday, the Best of Breed both days was the same Beautiful Black doe. So now my kids are bitten by the Bunny Show bug and were happy to do bunny chores when we got home. My son also decided to pick up two Himilayans and he is very excited.
It was a great time!! I loved meeting blue giants! It is so cool to put a face with a name =)

My daughter did wonderful!! Her elop on Sunday took BOB! She was thrilled! She also got a 1st with him on Sat. She took him in the open spec class & got 2 seconds. His brother from the same litter won both! The judges all said he is an awesome buck with great body & in a few months he is gonna be something to look out for. IN the best 6/8 class the judge said he would have loved to picked him because he is one of the nicest elops he has seen but he was to young to compete with the satin that was on the table. He pulled us aside & told us what a great buck we had there & that he would have picked him & it was a tough decision! This coming from the vice president of the lop club of america was so cool!

She got BOSB with her lionheads in both youth shows & in both specialty shows!

Her jersey woolys did good with a couple of 1st, 2, 3 & 4th places!

Her Hollands lops did awesome considering the class was HUGE! Sr bucks had 60 bunnies in it & she took 2nd place! Not too shabby. She also got a 3rd with a sr doe, & 3 & 4 with two jr bucks. In the brokens she took some 3rd & 4ths too. That is a great accomplishment for hollands!

So it was a great time for us but I am so tired & dead beat from the show! Iwas out like a light by 8:30 pm! Now I am so sore from running around to all 3 rooms every 5 minutes so she did not miss a class! I had to juggle 1 class around but the people that run the show were great & helped out! They had to move the elop youth class behind some others because they had the open spec elop class going on at the same time.

My daughter said to me this morning, Mom I still can't believe I got a leg with him his 1st time out!!!! She was still beeming with the excitement of the show!

Soooooo when is the next show???? LOL =)
Saturday was awesome. My opal doe, who had literally just turned senior 3 days before the show, took BOSV in the specialty and BOS in youth. I chatted a bit with the specialty judge before I had to rush my buns down to youth [the judge there was getting tired of waiting for everyone...], and he gave some nice comments about how she's got potential. Very exciting. :) Tris, her mother, did horrible. She was one of the first off the table in the specialty, and she was next to last in her youth class. She's more brood-doe type anyway; I just wanted to hear her comments next to her daughter's. And of course the Rhineladner won his class of 1 lol.

Of course nobody ate Saturday night, so Sunday the girls got knocked down a lot on flesh condition. Tris managed to place 5th in her class in the specialty, though.

LionheadLady, I think I may have run into you for a split second on Sunday? I exchanged cards with a woman whose daughter had a tort black ELop... Anyway, tell your daughter congrats on her Lop's win! That is so exciting.

I chatted with Pam for a while on Sunday about Himilayans [my mother's trying to walk in into getting another pet... How sad is that? :D], and I spent a lot of time in the wool room drooling over the English Angoras. I've been bitten by the angora bug!

What a great way to kick off the show season- Can't wait to do it again next year! :)

I have to say I really enjoyed myself at PaSRBA. I bumped into BlueGiants and got to talk with a lot of other really reputable breeders. I learned a lot and really got my money's worth.

My Homer took BOB for Silver Fox on Saturday and placed 2/9 on Sunday. So this month he's going to sire some babies for us. I ended up leaving my molting doe at home and Squirt (my other doe) ended up having fairly good type, but I'll have to select for better fur quality.

My red Satin Angora took best in her class and missed out on a leg by one rabbit. I sold her sister to a 4Her the day before and just got word she took BOB in Youth on Sunday.:)

To top it all off I sold 4 rabbits and bought 4 more.:p I now carry Americans---I'll probably post more about them later.

It was a QUITE a busy weekend for me!
We had a lot of fun. I was busy judging, so I didn't get to talk to as many people as I would have liked to, but I was glad I got to meet Holly.

Matthew had a lot of fun, and won PaSRBA Prince. He really enjoyed the youth dance and spending time with his friends.

We had a 7 hour trip home, so we're rather tired today.

I believe there were over 7,000 rabbit/cavy entries on Sat. (less on Sun.) A lot of animals went over the tables this weekend!

I spoke with Brian and he said there were 7,500 entriesfor Saturday and 4,500 for Sunday. 12,000 entries for two days! ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!!!! Numbers were slightly up from last year.

Pam, you were SO busy! Tried to say Hello, but didn't want to interupt! Congrats to Matthew! (Is it going to be tough living with the new Prince?)
Revverress wrote:
Saturday was awesome. My opal doe, who had literally just turned senior 3 days before the show, took BOSV in the specialty and BOS in youth. I chatted a bit with the specialty judge before I had to rush my buns down to youth [the judge there was getting tired of waiting for everyone...], and he gave some nice comments about how she's got potential. Very exciting. :) Tris, her mother, did horrible. She was one of the first off the table in the specialty, and she was next to last in her youth class. She's more brood-doe type anyway; I just wanted to hear her comments next to her daughter's. And of course the Rhineladner won his class of 1 lol.

Of course nobody ate Saturday night, so Sunday the girls got knocked down a lot on flesh condition. Tris managed to place 5th in her class in the specialty, though.

LionheadLady, I think I may have run into you for a split second on Sunday? I exchanged cards with a woman whose daughter had a tort black ELop... Anyway, tell your daughter congrats on her Lop's win! That is so exciting.

I chatted with Pam for a while on Sunday about Himilayans [my mother's trying to walk in into getting another pet... How sad is that? :D], and I spent a lot of time in the wool room drooling over the English Angoras. I've been bitten by the angora bug!

What a great way to kick off the show season- Can't wait to do it again next year! :)

Holly you did run into us! I could not remember your screen name. I told my daughter to ask for you but she is way to shy! I think you may have even held her elop. He was getting all jumppy & a girl helped her out... Was that you? I know I did exchange cards with you! We were talking about you guys at dinner last night =)

We would love to get a doe from you! You opal doe is awesome too! We watched her in the specialty class!

Looking forward to meeting you again!

Sorry didn't get to meet any of way too hectic with 3 breeds. My mom showed my woolies for me (did I mention she doesn't know rabbits). She did fine.

My dutch did very well all weekend. They placed in the top 4 in their classes and my steel jr. doe took Best Opposite of Breed on Sunday! I was thrilled as there were a TON of Dutch.

Got to see Cathy (BlueGiants) all weekend....if any of you got the opportunity to meet her, she is such a wonderful person. I have the pleasure of seeing her at many shows!

waiing for pics :) congrats to everyone who placed and won :D:D one day i will need to get over for one of your big shows I know a few people who go over to america and take rabbits in fact some of the same line of chin nethies that I have are over there somewhere :)
LionheadLady wrote:
Holly you did run into us! I could not remember your screen name. I told my daughter to ask for you but she is way to shy! I think you may have even held her elop. He was getting all jumppy & a girl helped her out... Was that you? I know I did exchange cards with you! We were talking about you guys at dinner last night =)

We would love to get a doe from you! You opal doe is awesome too! We watched her in the specialty class!

Looking forward to meeting you again!
I think that was me. :) Black tort bunny, right?

I'll let you know when I have babies; I probably won't be breeding until June when I get my new cages, but I may do a repeat breeding that got me my opal girlie, plus my original pair's breeder has offered me a breeding to her awesome top buck. Thanks for the nice comments on my opal girl. :D

Let me know when/where your next show is. I'd love to get a good look at your daughter's buck, and to formally meet you. lol

I actually didn't get many pictures, but did anyone else see the black and tan hares? They were -gorgeous-; I snapped a few pictures, but the photos don't do them any justice:



Some photo's that I took at the Pennsylvania State Rabbit Breeders Convention:

Setting up the tables and coops:


It got real crowded, real fast!



Getting the rabbits on the table:

Judging the Rex:

Judge Pam Nock:

See how stressful it is to be a show rabbit? (Silver Fox)



Fawn Flemish Giant:


Judging Flemish:

A girl has to get her beauty rest:

Coming out to look around:

Judge Pam Nock:

My arms really started to hurt from judging those big rabbits most of the day on Saturday (each of those big mammas has to be lifted up over the table and handed back to the exhibitor)- I'm glad I did Jersey Woolies almost all day Sunday!


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