Well-Known Member
Oh! You're bringing Silver Fox????? (Swoon! :hearts) I'm not going to bring my girls... but (with any luck!) I'm hoping to pick up a lovely littlebuck... Would love to see the Silver Fox judging!
Oh! You're bringing Silver Fox????? (Swoon! :hearts) I'm not going to bring my girls... but (with any luck!) I'm hoping to pick up a lovely littlebuck... Would love to see the Silver Fox judging!
Yep, same here- I'm betting everybody is gonna shed.. too bad though cuz they have such beautiful coats right now!It went up to 40 degrees yesterday... all of mine will probably be in full moult by time I get home today! LOL!
I just LOVE putting a moulting white Flemish Giant on the table in front of a judge and watching them get fur all over theplace and then get so disgusted, they place it last! (Funny thing, the blues don't shed the way the whites do!)
Ha ha ha!I just LOVE putting a moulting white Flemish Giant on the table in front of a judge and watching them get fur all over theplace and then get so disgusted, they place it last!
Are you showing in Youth?Whoo, four more days! I'm leaving Friday so I can get up there and do the breed ID and judging contests. I'm excited, but very nervous; I haven't had time to study at all. I guess I'll be cramming during the drive up. This is my first time competing in any sort of contest like this, so I'm not quite sure what to expect.
My buns had all just got out of bad molts- their fur had come back in just perfect. And after a weekend of gorgeous, warm weather, they're all molting again.hwell:Figures. I'm still just taking my two English Lop does and the one Rhinelander, so I shouldn't be too overwhelmed getting them cleaned up for the show.
I'm really excited. Last year, Lebanon was only my second show ever, and I was crazy overwhelmed and freaking out. I'm hoping this time around, I can get it together and have a blast.
Have to agree! They are so pretty!Ok, thread hijack! I heard RHINELANDER and I need pictures!!!
You may now continue with your regularly scheduled thread. *Good luck everybody!*
Whoo, four more days! I'm leaving Friday so I can get up there and do the breed ID and judging contests. I'm excited, but very nervous; I haven't had time to study at all. I guess I'll be cramming during the drive up. This is my first time competing in any sort of contest like this, so I'm not quite sure what to expect.
out. I'm hoping this time around, I can get it together and have a blast.