Participating in Rabbit Shows

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Greetings Folks,

Any information you'd like to ask or share about shows, please feel free.


P.S. What website is a good one for getting to learn the basics?
Lets see.. where do we begin!

This is information for a one day show.

How to prepare for a show...

First off gather all information about the show. Find out what breedsare sacationed and any special rules for the show. Some shows onlyallow ARBA entry sheets so programs such as Evans can't be used. It'sback to writing everything out! Also some shows don't allow groomingtables nor lawn chairs. People bring lawn chairs for those long daysand 90% of the time they end up with nobody in them and in the way! Iadvise bringing a grooming table along and a chair but don't take it inuntil you see the size of the room. Also if you have a lot of rabbitsto show take a cart for one easy trip to the car and the building!

Pack your car the night before! Theres nothing like running late andnot having anything packed! I have a little caddy that contains myStandard of Perfection incase I write for a breed I'm not familiarwith. I used to carry my pedigrees with me but have recently stoppedthat. The only pedigrees that come with me are the pedigrees for myrabbits for sale. I have a small kitchen scale that I take with me asits ALWAYS asked for! If anyone needs a scale for a dwarf rabbit theyknow who to ask LOL! I have wet ones in my caddy as ya neverknow when you need them. All the normal grooming stuff comes in mycaddy; nail clippers, corn starch and vingar for those rabbits thaturinate on themselves and others on the way, a brush, comb and my fleacomb. Flea comes are excellent for taking out matts and rabbits withpoppy butts! I have the waterless hand santizer with me as well. Let'ssee.. what else to take! LOL! Oh.. water! There are small water bottlesand cups just perfect for carriers and I always have water availablefor my rabbits.

If this is your first show prepare to get to the show at least and houror so before the show! If its a popular show you may have problemsfinding a location. Once you locate the entry table inform stand inline and inform the people registering that this is your very firstshow! They should be able to help you fill out the entry forms. If theyare very busy try asking someone that looks experienced at being atshows. If they have the time they should be more then welcome to assistyou! Just don't ask someone that looks busy! LOL!

At some shows they have signs to what breeds will be at what tablesfirst. If you are an early entry then set up near that table. Payattention at all times when at the show because there will beannouncements over the PA system on what breeds will be where.Sometimes the PA systems are very poor quality or they have people thatcan't pronounce and talk clearly annoucing. Once your breed is on thetable STAY NEAR! Judges and exhibitiors HATE having to wait for oneperson to bring their rabbits. Also don't bring your carrier up to thetable with you. Its crowded enough at the tables and a carrier justmakes it harder! Pay attention and ask another exhibitor questionsabout the showing process. Don't ask the writers as they are busy as itis! If you want majority of your comments written down its not advicedto ask them questions. Also, don't make it public which rabbit isyours! Don't point to the rabbit and announce that its your rabbit.Judges are not to know what rabbit is whos as sadly some judges play alittle favoritism towards one person. They kind of judge the rabbitsbased on the person. I'm not saying all judges are like that but a fewselected ones seem to be! Stay near the table when the judging istaking place so you can get your rabbit off the table ASAP when its'knocked off'. If you have two breeds going at once.. ask someone tohelp you! Also don't forget to take your remark cards! When I write ifthere is a small amount of breeder showing, I make piles for eachexhibitor or if theres on person with loads of rabbits I give themtheir own pile so other exhibitors don't have to go through lots of oneperson's remark cards. You can pick your remark card up as soon as thewriters are done with it. :DDon't talk to the judge or askthem questions while they are judging. Some judges get side trackedvery easily. Wait until people are bringing up the next class beforeasking a question or wait till the breed is done showing.

Now if its a week show where the rabbits are in coops (when the showprovides cages for the rabbits rather then being in carriers) thingsmay be different. Some shows have runners in which the exhibitors arenot allowed to be at the judge table while judging is taking place!These shows normally don't allow lawn chairs or grooming tables. Eachshow has a flier or show catalog you can get by request. All you haveto do is go to the ARBA website and look up the show. The showsecretaries information is provided and you can request a showcatalog. Also some shows are pre-entry so you should find outas much information as possible.

I've just covered the basicsso if you have any questions.. just ask!:D

What are the requirements? They need to betattooed right? And how do you get them tattooed? Does it cost a lot tobe in a show? How old do they need to be? What needs to be in thegrooming kit for a mini-rex? How much do they need to weigh? I donthave a scale. Then what? I am trying to get him in a show in April butI dont really know how?
bunnylover78642 wrote:
What are the requirements? They need to be tattooed right?And how do you get them tattooed? Does it cost a lot to be in a show?How old do they need to be? What needs to be in the grooming kit for amini-rex? How much do they need to weigh? I dont have a scale. Thenwhat? I am trying to get him in a show in April but I dont really knowhow?
Yes, all rabbits need to have a pernament tattoo. You can have theregistar are the show tatoo him. Although thats not advisable as it canbe messy and hard to read for the judges. You can tattoo them yourselfor find a breeder nearby who whould be willing to help you.

The rabbits can't be spayed or nutured unless in a pet class. 95% of the time there are no pet classes at shows.

Each show has a different price. Around here its $2.50 per rabbit toenter. The bigger shows may cost more and at ARBA Nationals its about$11.00 per rabbit.

The age and size of rabbit all depends upon each breed.
For Mini-Rex:

Senior Bucks - 6 months of age and over, weight 3 to 4 1/4 pounds.
Idea weight 4 pounds.
Senior Does - 6 months of age and over, weight 3 1/4 to 4 1/2 pounds.
Ideaweight 4 1/4 pounds.

Junior Bucks & Does - Under 6 months of age, maximum weight 3 3/4 pounds.
Minimum weight 2 pounds.

You can go to Wal-Mart and buy a kitchen scale that you think yourrabbit can fit on. My digital scale cost me $20 and I love it!

Go to the out the proper information. It will come up with the showsecretaries information. I advise requesting a catalog and a lot ofyour questions about the actual show will be answered within thecatalog. :D

Around Ohio, clubs have started to have their show catalogs on awebsite. Which by the way, I absoultly love! Its much cheaper thenprinting of copies after copies for shows!

Any more questions, just ask! I just love getting more people into theshow curicut! Thank goodness I live in the state with the biggest turnout of rabbit breeders and shows! We are now in the season that you canbe at a rabbit show just about every weekend from now till June time!
Is there equipment you need? What do you feed arabbit that you want in a show? Any special stuff? Like if you wereshowing a calf you would feed it a show food and special cornformula.
With ARBA it says the club Texas MiniRexRC is holding it. Does that mean you need to be in thatclub to show? And can you get your rabbit tatooed on the day his showis?

What is a open show and a youth show?
bunnylover78642 wrote:
Is there equipment you need? What do you feed a rabbit thatyou want in a show? Any special stuff? Like if you wereshowing a calf you would feed it a show food and special cornformula.

All you need to do is feed your rabbit a well balanced diet.

My rabbits get the following:

Purina Advance Nutrition Show Forumla Rabbit
Hay whenever needed (does near kindling timeand rabbits in moult)
A conditioning mix that includes calf manna, show bloom, old fashionoats, black oil sunflower seeds, and non frosted mini shreaded wheatwith wheat germ oil.

This is what works to keep my rabbits in prime condition. You will findeach breed and line of rabbits has their own need for feeding.

bunnylover78642 wrote:
With ARBA it says the club Texas Mini RexRC isholding it. Does that mean you need to be in that club to show? And canyou get your rabbit tatooed on the day his show is?

What is a open show and a youth show?

According to the information you have provided:

Yes the Texas Mini Rex RC is holding the show. It doesn't look like you need to be a member to participate in the show.

You can get the rabbit tattooed the day of the show but I don'trecommend it. It looks as if your show is a specialty show so only MiniRex will be shown. Therefore there may not be a register at that show.When tattooing the day of the show you run the risk of the tattoo stillhaving wet ink in the ear. Judges don't like when they get black inkall over their hands. :pAlso if the tattoo turns out to notbe legalible your in a bit of a bind. ;)

I just looked up the show I believe that you are talking about.Considering there is only one show in April in Texas I believe its thesame show LOL! Are you discussing to the one held in Belton, Texas onApril 2? If so, the Mini Rex Speciality is for Open and Youth. Youthexhibitors can show through the age of 18. Once the 18th birthday ishit then the exhibitor is an Open exhibitor.

Again.. if you have any more just ask!
I think Amanda pretty much covered everything:

Some of the biggest problems new exhibitors may run into are:

1. Missing their class because they didn't hear it announced.

2. Filling out their paper work wrong

If you are a first timer, it can help to sit next to a seasoned breederwho has the same breed you are showing. When they get up tomove their rabbits to the show table -- you know it's time for you also:)

You may also want to ask a seasoned breeder or the show registrar tocheck your paper work and the variety of your rabbit to be certain youhave everything filled out correctly. Incorrect paperwork cancause you to miss you proper class.

Also, please don't talk loudly at the show table or ask the judgequestions during the actual judging -- it's very distracting.;)

pamnock wrote:
I think Amanda pretty much covered everything:

This is my prime topic thats why! LOL! I don't think I'll ever be ableto do my 2000 show season again. :?I hit 32 shows that year!I lived at the rabbit shows every weekend. Sometimes twice a weekend!
Im going to try to be on. i love to talk aboutshows.most people at shows are nice.i would stay at the table duringjudging ,many of the comments dont get written down there just isnttime.bluebird
bluebird wrote:
Imgoing to try to be on. i love to talk about shows.most people at showsare nice.i would stay at the table during judging ,many of the commentsdont get written down there just isnt time.bluebird

Correct :)

Sometimes the judges talk fast and some don't go in any particularorder when giving commentsso this makes it harder for thewriters. When I come upon this delima I make sure to get the "lackingof" comments rather then the plus comments unless its a 'very good'comment.

If the exhibitor really wants to know that judges opinon they will trytheir hardest to be standing right near the judge to hear therefore thecomment card is just a 'back up'. :D
In 4-Hi didshowmanship. Is this somting that 4h just dose or is their like perfsional showmansip or somting?
Basically 4-H. Some states have youthshowmanship competitions and once in a while a show will hold an adultshowmanship contest (more like a fun class for parents).

loplover wrote:
In4-Hi didshowmanship. Is this somting that 4h justdose or is their like perfsional showmansip or somting?
The only thing that I know of that comes close to showmanship on a'professional' level would be a judging rabbits contest held each yearat ARBA Convention. Other then that what Pam said. :D

My county fair has an adult showmanship along with youth showmanshipevery year. The peewee showmanship is taken seriously but not the adultshowmanship. One year we had rabbits and adults dressed in Mardi Grabeads. Adults leave to get new rabbits when their rabbit acts up. Someeven use 'stuffed' rabbits! To say the least it is VERY comical! Weeven have water fights during out adult showmanship. It's the adultshowmanship so I guess we outta let them have fun with it LOL!


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