Well-Known Member
Just a note that your intrepid reporter will beattending the Lake Geagua Rabbit & Cavy show this Sunday. I'llbe wearing "#7" BIG BEN baseball cap if you wanna say hi!

Have fun at the show!
I've got friends going to that show but I'm not attending myself.:?Only show that I might be at thats on that side of thestate would be Mount Vernon on May 29th. But I'm still deciding if Iwanna stay on my side of the state and go to Lebanon or travel and hourlonger for a double show.I just hate it when theres 2shows the same day LOL!
Painesville is kinda far for us...
Do you know what the hours of the show are? I am reallytempted to go as Painesville is only 20-30 min away. The only problemis I have a huge exam on Monday that I need to pass for gradschool...ugh. I would much rather play with cute bunnies then study![]()
Far???????????? I'm driving three hours to get there.!:shock:Mambo....not sure if I will make it there or not.Painesville is kinda far for us...if the weather is nice my husbandmight be up for the drive. If I go, I will definitely lookfor you!
Dwarf_Angel04 wrote:Have fun at the show!
I've got friends going to that show but I'm not attending myself.:?Only show that I might be at thats on that side of thestate would be Mount Vernon on May 29th. But I'm still deciding if Iwanna stay on my side of the state and go to Lebanon or travel and hourlonger for a double show.I just hate it when theres 2shows the same day LOL!
Lake Geauga isa double Polish show -- how can you *not* come?????