Ozzy :( he really is sick....

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2007
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Canton, Michigan, USA
Well here is the whole thing... I think I have it under control but if sometime tonight I need to come on and ask questions I'd like to get the background out of the way

My sister calls me and says Ozzy's sick go check on him (They were staying with her) He wasn't interested in his greens and was lethargic and had runny poop.

I of course start crying and called Haley. With her help I have gotten him home and a little more comfy.

His tummy is really bloated and I massaged it for him for a bit. I bought Simethicone and Pedialtye to give him when we got back. He doesn't want anything to do with the Simethicone, but for now he has been drinking water and eating hay. SO hopefully he stays this way, but if anything happens or he is in pain I have my supplies and my RO forum...
His belly is still huge but he will not sit still for me enough to get the medicine in him. I want to at least get the simethicone in him once.:(
What I did with Phinn was wrap him in a towel or blanket, sit down, and put him in between my legs, so he cant really move.

On either side of their mouthes their should be a little hole that you can put the syringe into.

Ill be sending thoughts and healing vibes to you and Ozzy :hearts
I'll try when Al gets home. For now he keeps grooming Pepsi and himself. It's cute but the fur can't be helping.

Seems to be getting pretty uncomfortable. Hopefully he will let me hold and feed him some meds soon. I really think it will do wonders he is just too stubborn
I just pmed this to you, but try to get him somewhere so you can see if he's pooping. If he is, then he's ok. If he's not...well then it worries me since he's eating hay and pellets and such.

Id definitely get some simethicone (and pedialyte-try dumping it in the water bowl if you cant syringe) in him tonight. Belly rubs help too.

Call me if you need anything. I'll be praying for our little guy :pray:
Okay I got a little bit of the simethicone in him. Hopefully he got enough to start helping. I wish I could tell if he was pooping but the thing is, he and Pepsi are all smooshed together loving on eachother and I don't want to seperate them. They seem to need eachother right now after all the stress of the day and Oz being sick.:(I'll just keep watching them
Glad you got some into him, it should really help :)

I think you are supposed to do a dropper full every hour until the symptoms stop, but I wouldnt give him too much.

Phinn just had an outbreak of gas, so I know how you feel.

Try to stay positive.

Okay he just got another dropper full. I'm not pushing too much since he still seems to be doing everything on his own. I am trying to get a little sleep on the in between though, at least he doesn't seem to be so hunched over anymore, he hopped up on the other level. Any idea how to make him like pedialyte more? Pepsi loves it but that isn't helping me...
Simithicone is a non lethal medicine. If you give a bit too much, it's not going to hurt. It just helps join gas bubbles together to make them easier to pass.

As for the pedialyte, is it a certain flavour? Can you try a different flavour? If it's plain, mix it with some juice to give it a yummy flavour (maybe you could even hide the flavoured with a bit of juice??).

Good luck!

I wonder if he would lick medicine from your hand? My bun seems to love the taste of the simethicone I've got here (I think it's cherry-flavored) and I've found that she seems to prefer it if I let her lick it off my hand.

Maybe you've already tried this, but if not, it might be worth a go...

Thinking of you and Ozzy...
Okay now it's bad I need help. He hasn't pooped or moved from one spot. I gave him some metacam and more simethicone. I don't know what else to do help??????? Do I need to take him to the emergency clinic???? I think he is in full blown stasis?? His tummy is really hard. Oh my god you guys
Try to calm down, it'll be alright.

Try to get him moving. Exercise helps the gut and if there's any gas. Try heating up a sock filled with rice for him to lay next to if he feels coolish, also he might like it to lay next to if he has gas with his tummy.

Do you know when the last time he pooped was?

Hope he is alright and someone comes along soon with more advice/help.
Don't panic. Bunnies don't poop all the time, it may just not be his time.

When did you last notice his poops and what were they like? And when did he last eat and what? So far it sounds like it may be a garden variety gas attack. How much simeithicone has he had?

You need to give him a lot at once, but not over a long period of time. Three doses in three hours is what I usually stick with, and then none for eight hours or more.

How much does he way? If he's a bigger bunny, he'll need at least two dropperfuls at once (1 cc), or an adult brand of Simethicone.

Best to also keep him moving, and only give him hay and water. The Pedialyte will only be necessary if he hasn't had anything to drink on his own for awhile or if he had diarrhea.

sas :pray:
Okay I haven't seen him poop since I brought them home from my sister's at around 9. But there were a few weird little hard ones in the litterbox that I bet were him. I gave him 3 doses of simethicone in the last 3 hrs, one dropper at a time. He weighs 4.5 lbs

I'm scared. I'll do the hot rice sock thing. The 24 hr clinic doesn't specialize in rabbits:?
iluvmybuns wrote:
... but for now he has been drinking water and eating hay...
If he ate earlier tonight, Idon't think it's too serious at this point, they often look like they're really sick with gas attacks, poor bunny. (I'd be interested to know how runny his poops were earlier, though).

Dill getsa good three hours of constant tummy massages and hefty simethicone doses, it can take12 hours to pass.

Ozzywas probably better after you picked him up because of the vibrations from the car, but then thegasformed again. Can you put him on a drier or rub his tummy with a vibrating toothbrush or something? Really makes them feel better to break up thegasbubbles. I also roll them from side to side a bit while holding them andlift their back ends upto try and get them to pass the gas.

Spring has good advice. Don't let him get cold.

sas :pray:
Well he was eating earlier you're right. So I'm hoping maybe we can pass this up.

Hot rice sock


Metacam (Only a tiny bit)

Did those and I'm going to get in the cage and do some rubbing I'll check back in a few min to see if you guys have come up with anything else.
Not sure if there's muchpoint in giving him a tiny bit of Metacam, it's probably a waste of money. The vet will prescribe a 'kick-off' dose that's quite a bit higher for the first round, and then a reduced amount for subsequent doses. And it takes awhile to work. It's more of a chronic pain drug.

I have the best luck with the constant vibrations, gentle tummy rubs, heat and simethicone, with some Pedialyte if the bunny in question hasn't been drinking and if stasis isthe issue. (Gas can cause a bunny to go into stasis, and stasis can cause gas, so the figuring out the sequence is helpful).

Given themessy poop,it's possible Ozzy ate something that didn't agree with him (or picked up abug - viral? bacterial?? that part has always confused me) and it's giving him gas.

If he hadn't been eating or pooping, then I'd guess he was in a stasis situation and it was causinggas.

Can you hearhis tummy gurgling? It's always a good idea to get to know what your bunny'sgut sounds are like normally and then you can assess differences. Gurgling is more likely a straight gas attack, no gut sounds at allmay indicate stasis or a blockage. `

Hopehe's feeling better soon!

sas :clover:
Too early for me to be up! :(Just catching up and hoping Ozzy is alright this morning.

Sas is right, gas attacks always seem horrible. Max literally looked like he was on deaths door last time he had one.

And sas, I recommended the Metacam since she had some on hand. I alwaysgive a doseif a bun is having gas/stasis issues. I know the rescue does too. I like to use it since most times they are in pain when this is happening. I think that once some of the pain is alleviated they can relax a little (sometimes enough to pull out of it).

Praying Ozzy is alright today. Call me this morning if you need anything.


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