oxbow bunny basics 15/23 or bunny basics T?

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Laura wrote:
Shipping is free at theferretstore.com if your order is $35or more, but the prices are a little higher.
we might end up geting it there...who knows...lol... but we better decide soon cause im running out of bunny pellets:D..
called the vet..they sell oxbow... 5lb bag is12.49....we're going to buy a bag from them this time.. then next timewe'll order it online somewhere:D
Bunny Basics/T 5 lbs.

OxbowDistributors CAN $12.99 + shipping

LocalVetCAN $13.97

Good thing one bag lasts three months for Pebbles. :D
Rainbows! :)

Hi guys-Yes another shameless plug forRabbitstop.com. It is at the top of the page as wesupport Rabbits Only too! You will see that the prices aregreat and we support the rabbit community in many ways! Letme know what you think!

P.S. I should mention wehave Oxbow products (I lovethem and use them) and their company wasthe main influencefor the Grant Program I created for our company. You cancheck out the Grant Program in theRescue section of theforum.

Thanks!!!!! elle

peapoo_bunny wrote:
called the vet..they sell oxbow... 5lb bag is 12.49....we'regoing to buy a bag from them this time.. then next time we'll order itonline somewhere:D

I pay $9 for a 10 lb bag at my petstore! The expensive one Iused to go to (and they were worth the money because they didn't sellanimals and were big supporters of the local shelter) charged $12 for a10 lb bag. Your vet must have a huge profit margin!
naturestee wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
calledthe vet..they sell oxbow... 5lb bag is 12.49....we're going to buy abag from them this time.. then next time we'll order it onlinesomewhere:D

I pay $9 for a 10 lb bag at my petstore! The expensive one Iused to go to (and they were worth the money because they didn't sellanimals and were big supporters of the local shelter) charged $12 for a10 lb bag. Your vet must have a huge profit margin!
well, our normal vet that we take the rest of our animals to didnt haverabbit stuff because they dont treat rabbits:(....so we're going tohave to go to this expensivevet:X...

unfortunately that expensive vet is also the only one around us thattreats rabbits, so we'll have to take peapoo there to be spayedtoo:?...that will probably be really expensive there ...if there 5lbbag of rabbit food is $12 i dont even want to think about how much itsgoing to cost to get her spayed there:shock:.. i'll get mom to ask whenshe goes to get the food..
Our IT guy just told me about Froogle-It is a google search that will give you comparison pricing for theitems you want. It is really great! Just type in"Oxbow Bunny Basics" or whatever and it will bring up several stores tocompare.

P.S. We have no affiliation with google it is just a really great thing I never knew about.

getting peapoo spayed at this vet wouldcost $232 for the surgery, $12-15 for pain medication, 59.25for tax, and another 59.25 for the required preexam...altogether= 362.50.... thats an estimate...she said itcould be more or a little less...

the woman said that spaying is very stressful on rabbits, that i neededto be prepared to force feed her because they dont eat afterwardssometimes... according to what my mom told me, i think it sounds likethe woman thinks its a bad idea...?:?

also there was a woman at the vet who had her rabbits there...she has ared female angora..free to good home that she wanted me to come lookat... i dont know if we will though:D
jordiwes wrote:
362$$??? That's robbery!

Can you drive to another town to get that done? It should be half that price!

Edit: have you checked this site


yeah thats where i found this vet, the sweeten creek animalhospital in western nc is the one im talking about...they are WAY toexpensive!! it actually cost my mom$13 for a 5lbbagof oxbow today..we might look into the otherones now.. there area few others on that site thatwe can go to..hopefully some of them are cheaper:?
Holy expensive, Batman!:thud

I'm assuming the woman is the desk person? If she looks downon spaying rabbits that much, it's possible that they have hadproblems. Ask the vet how many rabbits he spays in a year,and what is success rate is. Good rabbit vets hardly everloose a patient during a spay, and have few post-surgery complications.

If he really seems like a good vet after questioning him, it might beworth the price. But it can't hurt to look around.
yeah it was the desk person...she was talkingabout how stressful and stuff it was... but the fact that there werepeople with bunnies in the lobby waiting makes me think they haverabbit experience.. but we are definately going to look around to seeif theres a cheaper vet...we will definately ask a bunch of questionsfirst:D

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