Overdue or never pregnant?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
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Hey all!
Sorry for all the posts lately, Piper is throwing me for a loop these days!

So, as I mentioned in my other thread, Piper was wheezing and sneezing for a couple days, which seemed to be an obstruction that has nearly cleared. (She still sneezes a few times each day, but they are getting less and less)

Yesterday also marked day 31 of her accidental breeding. Her brother hopped the wall between them and spent an unknown length of time overnight with Piper, we thought he got through at the back, so we added a 2x4 and went to work, but he hopped over again and spent what I’m assuming is most, if not all, of 7 hours together.

They had one brief encounter before this that I’m pretty sure I caught before anything happened, but I have to assume that things happened numerous times during this second rendezvous. At the time, they were just over 5 months old.

Sooo, long story short, how likely is it, in your opinion, that she is actually pregnant? Today would be day 32, and although she seemed to me to be acting strange last night, she has not built a nest or pulled any fur. Were they too young for anything to happen? Or do I assume babies are still coming? Could her trip to the vet for the wheezing have harmed the babies, or delayed kindling?

I could never feel anything when I palpated at day 10, but i didn’t try too much, because I don’t really know what I’m feeling.

A few days ago I was sure I felt movement in her tummy, but now I don’t feel or see anything.

I will keep the nestbox in till day 35, and then book a spay for her as soon as possible if there are no babies.

I’m just not sure if I should be concerned at all!

Thanks for reading this long post!!
At that young age she may not know what to do, if she is pregnant...ie she might not build a nest. You’ll just have to wait it out.
Thanks for the reply majorv! We are at day 33 now and no babies, so I think she must not be pregnant.
Maybe not, but best to wait til day 35 before removing the nestbox.

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