:kiss:Hi again! Last night was quite stressful. It was time for her crittecal care again and meds, well didn't go well at all. Nuggles refused the critical from the get go so we would have to restain her and force her to take it. Last night she would not swollow it she just let it run out of her mouth:cry4:Jordiwes and pip we were thinking the same thing. Chad and I desided that if she was willing to eat even if it wasnt what she should have then it had to be better than her not eating at all. So I went in and got her a very small piece of kale and offered it to her, She gobbled it right up! A little later we did the same thing and she ate again! then this a.m. Chad gave her a small salad and again she ate it all, about 3 hours later she started to eat her hay and alfalfa and tonight I am happy to report that she has healthy POOPS!!!!
she has been playing, shredding paper, and begging to come out and play!!! The ferret from ---- has been picked up and is on his way Montanan with 2 other ferrets were he will be very well taken care of untill he finds a forever home! After seeing Nuggles this a.m. I think the week finally caught up with me I laid down and :sleep:all day!! LOL Now I have to go in and get my orders done ( I make dog beds to earn money to help us support our foster kids, I call it bunny money!)before I fall any further behind! They are promissed befor x-mas and I havent touched them sence Nuggs got sick! But now that it is bedtime Im wide awake!lol so I quess Ill get to work!!
Thanks to all of you!!!
Shye, Nuggles, Nibbles
and all foster kids!