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I've been trying to get him to get rid of themfor months. He just won't let them go. I told him they can't live likethat, I know its not fair for them. If I had the money to give themwhat they need I would do it in a second. But I can't do it.

He won't be home until March 1st. I definitely can't do anythingwithout his consent while he's gone, that wouldn't be fair to himneither since they're his pets.

I'm getting so frustrated with them though. I've tried selling them ,I've tried giving them away for free, I even took them back to the petstore to see if they could take them and they wouldn't. It's like we'resupposed to be stuck with them the rest of our lives.

I'm at a giving up point with everything now, I've got too much in mylife I'm worried about right now that I just want everything to die soI have to stop worrying about added stress.

I'm gonna go for now I'm getting way to worked up over this.

I understand. I've had animals dumped on me I haven't had the time orresources to care for. I understand, and I'm sorry you're having to gothrough the same thing.

Take a deep breath, snuggle your bunnies, and don't get too worked upwith turtles. After all, it's not their fault :p Maybe if you got allyour thoughts together and were really able to articulate them into a"speech" for John, he'd finally understand.

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