Uggg, this is what I was afraid of.
Let me give you the basics in proper trutle care. AsShowrabbits said, turtles can get metabolic bone disease.When turtles are kept indoors they do not get the natural UV rays thatthey need to be healthy. Thesenatural UV rays fromthe sunare absorbed into their body and used to break downvitimins they eat. (Hard to explain, sorry) Withoutthese rays,turtles (and most other reptiles)willget very sick andcan easily die. A turtlekept indoors MUST have UVA/UVB lights. These are usually inthe form of floresant bulbs. They do sell them in a "regularlight bulb shape but I always reccomend using the floresant bulbshape. Putting the turtle tank in front of a window does notcut it. The glass filters out almost all of therays. Even screen filters out alot. If you have anindoor turtle they really need this light. Try and attach itso that the bulb is no more than 18 inches from the turtle and so thelight hits all parts of the enlcosure.
Turtles, being reptiles, are cold blooded and cannot regulate their ownbody heat. They need a heat sourceabove theirenclosure as well. NOT A HOT ROCK. Hot rocks arevery dangerous and turtles will rarely use them.All turtles need heat lights. It works best to use an actualheat light that is meant to give off heat for reptiles but you can usea regular light bulb. A 50-100watt bulb would giveoff enough heat for a turtle. A heat light should be no more than 12inches from the soil or water.
Onto feeding. This depends entirely on the species.Cheesecake is an Eastern Box Turtle. I feed him turtlepellets, vegetables (different lettuces, carrots, squash), fruits,worms, and various bugs. For calcium, once a week I dust hispellets in ground up cuttlebone. All crickets feed are firstgutloaded (vitamin filled cricket food), and all worms are givenvegetables.
Different turtles require different diets and differentcare. I suggest that all of you with turtles check outAustin's Turtle Page have very good care sheets. If you have any questionsplease check out their forum this forum, they are very nice and will do all they can to helpyou properly care for your turtle. If any of you join, besure to send me a message saying hi

My name is babydoshiaon there too.
Sorry to go off like that. I hope this has helped alittle. I've seen so many turtles miscared for. Theowners mean well but there is so much inacurate information out thereabout turtle care.
Tamra, Cheesecake is an Eastern Box Turtle. He will grow to be about 5-8inches.