It sure looks like everyone has been blessed withsome beautiful people intheirlives. Good time toremember that with the holidays sneeking up.
This is Gabe, my "Star"...almost five
This is Logan, suffice to say when they are almost two the nicknamesare really notappropriate for this kind ofplaceAnyways he is playing with his dad Tony.
and one of my "not so little" cousin. I can't believe how fast she isgrowing, I remember her being born, I spent a ton of time with herbabysitting for her mom while she worked so she was like my own littlebaby for a long time. Now she is hitting the boysstage:shock:She loves my buns and would like to show them in4-H next year.
An old one of Caitlyn. I have better of herchristening last week but I haven't got them on the computer yet. Iwill do asap and post them I have some lovely ones!
My sons after the state finals track meet acouple years ago. Brad (white shirt) is the oldest-he justturned 14. :shock: Brandon is the middle one he is 11. Theother one is thier friend Chris.
This is a picture of my neice Erin and nephewBrandon. I miss those kids so much! I used to go up at least once amonth (they lived about 45 minutes away), and spend the weekend withthem. Miss that sooooo much.
Wowwhat great pictures. I need to getmy photo thingy runing so that way I can crop the pictures that I have.I do have a picture of my niece with one of my english lops named Spot.My nieces name is Kylie she is almost two. She is the one with spoton my avatar. She loves the rabbits and she just started totalk. My name to her is MRA.... bunny. Its soppose to be Tamra but sheonly gets out the last half so far and everytime anybody says my nameshe looks around and says bunnies?