Well-Known Member
Soooo, any pictures yet?
Scooby , where you found this picture didit mention Where they are beingBred? How many are left , and what theGene pool is ? Last I had heard was theselittle guys were going extinct ,less than 100 breeding age Mares , Its w onderfulllto see oneion the Show Ring again !!! Ihave seen one in over 15 years !im going ot googleitLOL i love this breed.
Yay, Destry pictures! It certainly took you longenough!Maybe that's why he steps on your toes!
lol ......its okay:embarrassedoopppsssssSoorrrryyyyyyyy Freddies Mom lol Igot so darned excited over seeing oneagain I went temporarily insaneI sear , ya thatsit temporary insanity ,, uh huh ,
I had one of those beautifulPonys when Moby Dick was a minnow , Itwas imported from over seas about 30 years ago .They are highly intelegent , clever , rescorcefull . Loving ,animals , not to forget to mention drop deadgorgeous !!!!!