Well-Known Member
Pics to follow next Friday, we hope!
Hah, the visual that presents is quite funny...but soundslike your doing great with Destry!! Good job!
Me big boss. Oh yeah right. heheRose, it's great the way you are getting Destry to respondto you. It's only in his nature to see how far he can push you, but herealised that you are Boss. Do you still feel comfortable withhim? DON'T forget the camera next time :X
<<<Just like Bub.>>>>
Could there be anyone just like Bub. Do you think you will intodusethem to each other? I can imagine Bub being kinds jealous that his'Lady' has another male in her life. He will probably spray you fromdawn to dusk
- Jan
Congratulations! Horses are so fun and exciting toride. It's great to know so many people on this forum lovehorses to! Your Shetland sounds soooadorable!Mymareis 14.2-14.3 hands high QuarterHorse (although she is completely gray) who we named Mouse(don't laugh,we thought it ws cute for her personality). She has anamazing stop on her--first time I rode her I nearly fell off,lol. I love Shetlands, but I am way to big for 'em!(5'8"). Have you ever done any trails? They are really fun,especially when you camp, too. Barrels, Poles, Team Penning,& Roping are really fun too! So far I can only ropeoff the ground though (& not that well, lol).
Just wanted to say congratulations on becoming owned by apony, Rose! I know what you mean about the size of horses beingintimidating; I'm 4'11" (well, just about) and not quite 100 lbs.Horses are huge to me! I love them though, have since I was a child,but haven't had the pleasure of owning one. The closest I came to thatwas the few summers when I went to a local campground and rode theirhorses with my friend. One of the horses adopted me...Carrie. She wasaround 14.2 hands and looked a bit like a Welsh cob. I rode herbareback during those summers (and fell off almost as many times as Igot on!). Missed her terribly when I couldn't go there any more, and Istill think about her, even though that was almost 30 years ago.
You are so fortunate to have Destry, and I can't wait to see picturesof him, along with updates on how his (and your) training is going!He certainly sounds like personality-plus!
Oh, and about bodylanguage...I remember reading something many many years ago thatBarbara Woodhouse (she was a famous British dog trainer) wrote abouthorses. She used to train wild horses in South America, and she saidthat when one wants to be able to approach a skittish or wild horse, togently but forcefully blow air through your nostrils, and stand yourground but keep on doing it. The horse will become curious andapproach, because that is how they 'greet' other horses. Well, I don'tknow if that bit of info is of any use to you or not, but I found itinteresting. I tried it once on some cows and found it worked.LOL...she also claimed that cows are actually more natural jumpers thanhorses! That truly surprised me.
But I've heard that Monty Roberts' methods are one of the best tofollow...he is an amazing trainer...so it will be interesting to hearyour progress with Destry! And pics!!!![]()