Oreo has G.I. Stasis

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Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
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United States of America
Oreo has G.I. stasis. We took her to the vet as soon as we noticed that she wouldn't take any food and when we picked her up, she had peed where she was sitting and hadn't gotten up. She's on simethicone. The vet told us to get children's simethicone, but we could only find infants (in drops), so would that be fine? We called the vet, and are waiting for a response if it is fine, but I just want to know. Oreo has been taking the medicine fine, and I'm cleaning her cage real quick (because I'm paranoid that she might groom the blanket and ingest fur, even though there is barely any fur on the blanket). We don't really know what caused it, because she hasn't had any new foods and we've been grooming fur and cleaning up fur. I hope she gets better, and my mom is letting me stay home from school tomorrow because knowing me, I would be panicking the whole school day that she wasn't doing well.
Infant gas drops is simethicone (example of one brand):
You can see here (Gastrointestinal stasis - WabbitWiki) for good things to monitor/try at home to help. At-home treatment cannot replace veterinary intervention if the stasis is severe, there is a blockage, or an underlying cause that these at-home procedures are not addressing. Some key points is keeping your rabbit warm if you feel her ears are cold, "pestering" her to move occasionally to help get things moving, and making sure there is plenty of hay, pellets, and treats available so the moment she is willing to eat, she can do so on her own (obviously take away the treats so she doesn't gorge out on them!). If she has not eaten in several hours, you want to force feed her Critical Care or pellet mash. You should not forcefeed if there is a blockage, which I assume has been ruled out by the vet. There is a video in the link about how you can try and check for blockage yourself (GI stasis vs. Bloat).
Make sure to keep her warm. If a rabbit is too cold, they won't eat. If her ears feel really cold, she's too cold.

Did the vet prescribe any of the other usual GI stasis medications like meloxicam, a gut stimulant(metoclopramide, cisapride), and syringe feeding mix? Was she given any sub q fluids while at the vet?
Make sure to keep her warm. If a rabbit is too cold, they won't eat. If her ears feel really cold, she's too cold.

Did the vet prescribe any of the other usual GI stasis medications like meloxicam, a gut stimulant(metoclopramide, cisapride), and syringe feeding mix? Was she given any sub q fluids while at the vet?
She was given sub q fluids at the vet and also got meloxicam. By syringe feeding mix, I'm assuming you mean something like critical care, so yeah he said to give her that. I've been making sure she is warm, gave a a warm water bottle a bit ago. As of now, she did poop some more (the poops were misshapen, but it was something) and she nibbled on some more hay. She also did start running around her pen instead of laying down for 2 minutes or so, and is moving around a lot now.

Edit: I just checked her water dish, and she hasn't taken any water.
I went to give her simethicone and she was trying to stay as far away as possible from me, so she's starting to act like herself (she doesn't like interaction unless you are giving her food or are my dad).
If there are any leafy greens she usually gets, those are a good thing to get them eating again usually. It's often the first thing my rabbits will start eating again, and it also helps hydrate them. You just want to make sure they haven't started to spoil at all. I'm glad your bun is starting to feel better.
She just ate a ton of hay and her poops are slowly coming back to normal. We're gonna call the vet once they open today and give them an update (also thank goodness that our normal vet was still open yesterday, because the only emergency vet that takes small mammals has been having people wait 12 hours for an emergency appointment recently). We are picking up some veggies because the vegetables we have are starting to spoil. I'll pick up some romaine and red leaf lettuce as she gets those almost everyday. I'm glad she's making a quick and good recovery.

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