OMG - Starsky is off balance again

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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West Midlands, , United Kingdom
Oh no. Starsky has been doing sooooo well, hewas almost back to normal until..........tonight he has started fallingover again and shaking his head. I'm going to get him straight to thevets tomorrow after work.

Please send good vibes for my little bun.


sas :clover::pray::clover:
Vet still thinks it could be e-cuniculi. He gavehim an anti-inflammatory and antibiotics and asked me to keep an eye onhim tonight to see if they have helped. I have to go back to the vetstomorrow a.m. for a review.

Starsky is a little better tonight. He is still falling over but he hasmuch more energy and is being his usual cheeky self. I'll keep youposted on his progress.

Thank you all for your kind support.
We're back and armed with some more Baytril. Thevet still thinks it is linked to e-cuniculi as the symptoms he isshowing are neurological - could be caused as we are killing theparasite off, debris, etc. He was much more alert this morning again sothe vet is happy to continue with the current medication.

I have about 4 more days of the Panacur to go, 1 weeks supply ofBaytril and he had another small amount of anti-inflammatory. The vetsaid to bring him back immediately if he is showing even slight signsof deterioration again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
rabb1tmad i have one questionabout starsky. does he fall completely to his side or does his backlegs give out?

erm, it's quite hard to explain. His back legsdon't really give way and he doesn't completely fall over as he seemsto stop himself. It's like he is drunk but only at the back end - hewill walk normally but when he tries to walk fast/run or jump his backend wobbles almost to the point where if he wobbled anymore he wouldactually end up on his side! I'll try and get a movie of him doing itand see if I can post it.

The vet checked his spine and reflexes and they are all workingperfectly. I have noticed when he has one of these 'episodes' thoughthat when I pick him up his back legs are trembling. I hope I haveexplained this ok.
Guess what - back to square one again. Starskyhas finished all his meds now. After his last episode the vet gave himan anti-inflammatory and he was ok for a little while. His loss ofbalance is coming back again - I assume there is a pattern here - whenthe anti-inflammatory runs out the symptoms come back.

So, what do I do now. I can take him back to the vets for anotherinjection but given his progress I'll be back at the vets every weekand I don't want to pump him full of those drugs all the time. Maybe hewill be like this for a long time while he recovers from whatever itwas he had? Any thoughts anyone?
His balance is still off, I think he will justbe left with this now. I haven't taken him back to the vets as he isn'tgetting worse. He is happy in himself as he is eating, drinking and upto his usual cheeky tricks so I know he isn't in any pain.

I have tried to get some photos but they always come out blurred! I'll keep trying :D
Has your vet ever given him a medicine for thedizzyness? I think M.E.'s bun Peanut was given something fordizzyness and it helped. You could pm her to find out what itwas, then talk to your vet and see if that would be an option.

At least he's behaving normally. It's hard to keep a happy bun down!:D
The vet initially gave him an anti-inflammatoryand that would 'fix' him for a while. I don't know whether it isdizziness that is causing it as it doesn't happen all the time. I haveread that with e-cuniculi/head tilt the spores that are killed off bythe medecine can cause neurological problems like this. Some rabbitsrecover completely, others don't.

I have to take him back to the vets next week anyway - the vet didn'twant to give him his 6 monthly myxi booster while he was ill but Idon't want to leave him without his booster for much longer. If heshows any sign of distress though I will take him to the vetsimmediately.
He's still up to his usual antics but he's notas agile as normal. The loss of balance seems (fingers crossed) to begetting better very slowly. He didn't poop all day yesterday so I hopehe's not getting another problem! I massaged his tummy and gave him alittle pineapple juice and he pooped for England after that! I'mkeeping a close eye.
Hi, im from Australia, and ive just been reading about your bunny.

I have a mini lop doe who seems to have the same problems asyours does. Miah has been like this for about 6 weeks and ive triedlots of different things to see if it improves the movement on her backlegs and nothing has worked.

Ive treated her with ivomec, given her calcium supplement 4 x a day 4 a few weeks and vitamin e

Miah isnt in any pain, still eats, drinks andpoopsnormally though when shes in her hutch its like shedrags her back legs a bit.

When shes out in the playpen she runs around and does kick outslike theres nothing wrong at all, she stands up on her back legs tosticky beak and still jumps up on her shelf in her hutch butthenwhen i put her back in her hutch her back legsgo lazy.

i havent taken her to the vet because the vets around here dont really know much about bunnies

How is yours doing now, how old is he and what age did he startMiah was about 4 months and hasnt had any falls or injuries that i knowof

