Great point Peg, Someone who doesnt know anything about might have thought that a rabbit couldnt p ossibly have a good life with this but it is far from the truth. In the short time that i spent with Apple I saw her groom her face, eat her ceacel, clean herself, eat pellets, look around at my kids to see what they were doing, and drink water, she acted like nothing was the matter with her. She loved to be petted and looked like she was just metling when petting her, she truly is a fighter and as much as a "normal" rabbit as she knows.
Haley yes i am pregnant, and by the time i got half way to the first stop i had to pee so bad, by the time we got to McDonalds i was running in with my 4 year old to get to the restroom,lol!!!!
I figured out photobucket, when you change the pic size to web site you have to APPLY the changes,lol, i swear it is amazing somedays that i get through the day with out hurting myself,lol. What i was doing was saving over the old pic before saving the changes i made which means that i was only resaving the same pic in the same size,lol.