Ohio 3 bunnies need a home: RESOLVED

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Robin, Grace, Fran & Alicia: can you all send me your phone numbers so I have them all in case of emergency? If you all send them to me I'll put them in one PM and send them out to each of you along with my phone number in case you get lost and need me to get online or something :)
I can not thank Haley enough. I have been going NUTS trying to get myself ready for this trip, and put in extra hours to make up for my time off. I don't know what I would do other wise.

Also to SugarGlider for trusting me. An everyone for offering to take part in this transport.
I have just read this thread, and y'know, RO ROCKS!!!

First, Robin, I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I hope everything works out for you and your family.

Secondly, congrats to Alicia, and Livingstone's new owner. I know Apple is going to go from one loving home to another, and we can all keep up with how she is doing.

Thirdly, Haley, you are awesome for all the organising of the transport, and everyone involved in the transport, you are all amazing. I am so happy that things have come together.

LuvaBun wrote:
I have just read this thread, and y'know, RO ROCKS!!!

You can say that again! I was just looking through Winston and Vega's travel blog (looking for a picture) and I was thinking the same thing. We are all so blessed to have such a great network of support.

I know this must be a very difficult time for you, Robin, but I hope its some comfort knowing we're all here for you and will do whatever we can to help.

RO is such a special place with so many wonderful people :)
I just saw this! :shock:

Robin, I am so sorry times are tough :hug: but it's great you can keep Scooter, and I'm sure Alicia will keep you updated on little Apple. Congratulations Alicia, she is going to fit in perfectly to your bunny family. :hug: And not forgetting Haley, you do so much work for the bunnies, hugs for you too! :hug:
Are you doing ok, Robin? This must be very bittersweet for you.



PS. Ive been meaning to mention that you should probably put some timothy hay in Apple's carrier so she can munch..and if you can send some of her pellets in case they are different from Alicia's so she can make a gradual switch.
I want to know if i should bring anything, other then my camera, i would like to get some on the road pics and pics of Pumpkinandwhiskersmom, and jadeicing and of course maybe some of Apple on her way. We can put them somewhere to document her travel!!!!!!! Should i have anything with me? Should i put her in the back of the truck as to not be bothered by us, or where she can see us? should i cover her cage? I want to make it as least stressfull as i can, no worries i wont be handling her at all but i might sneak a pic thro ugh the cage,lol. I will be meeting pumpkinandwhiskersmom at out meetup at 2:15 then on my way to meet Alicia
Aww I wish I could meet all of you and give you a big hug!

Be sure to take your camera so we can see how her journey goes (Im sure Alicia will love to have a photo blog of her travels as well). Other than that you shouldnt need anything. I would put her in the quietest area- so if you have a truck shed probably be much safer with you. Robin said she scares easily so keeping it quiet in the car (music off or very low) will probably help.

Keep us posted guys! Im praying it all works out!

We're going to have her in the back part of our van. We have the kind with Stow and Go seating, and she'll be on the carpeted area. John, our 15 year old, will be with her in the seat right near her. He's already been told that his music will be OFF (he's a metalhead). As soon as we can, I'll let y'all know how things are going.

I'm so excited!!!! Talk to you all tomorrow....Grace
Everyone have a very safe trip! Robin, I can't think of a better mom for your special baby than Alicia. Your baby will be in the best home possible with a bunch of spoiled bunny friends.
I am ok, I'm confident she'll be safe and loved and you are all amazing and I'm so happy I came here for help because it's working out so well for little Apple.
First of i just want to say that Robin i really feel for you,and i know it must be breaking your heart to have topart with your babies....gosh..i remember when you had first posted about Apple a long time ago...she's a little miracle that's for sure...and i'm just so sorry for the heartache that's going on in your life at the moment:hug:

And to everyone involved in this great journey...have a safe trip!

It's almost 8:00 am...the journey for Apple should soon be in progress. Though it didn't work out for me to be part of the bun-train, know that I am thinking of and praying for you all.

Looking forward to Apple's travelblog pics.

~Mary Ellen
As terribly sad as I am for you, SugarGlider, I am so happy for Apple and Ali. I'm also relieved for you cause you know that Apple will be loved and cared for so well!

Whatever the reasons, she was meant to go live with Ali now. The whole name thing and stuff.... and the train worked out so well this time.....

I'm so glad you came here to get them homes.
We will be taking the Expedition so there is plenty of safe room for her. I thnk i will put her on the back seat and sit there with her so she isnt by herself, not like a strange face will make her less nervous,lol. So this way i can keep an eye on her and talk to her, I am a spaz but you all should know that by now,lol.

Robin I hope you dont think i am insensitive about being excited, it is some thing that is bitter sweet. I feel for you and can only sympathise with what you are going through but at the same time i am excited to see that your baby is going with such a great bunny person, and also that you will be able to keep tabs and see her with Alicias blogs and such. Although she has to be rehomed you will always be able to see her progress of her. I am happy that this all worked out for you.