that site - "The Language of Lagomorphs" - is terrific. At the end of the main site (not sure how to say this), there's some info. available on the buns whose photos are used and on the author. He married a woman who already had buns, and at first, they were either indifferent to him or actively disliked him. He spent a lot of time with them, observing them and getting to know them on their terms.
His whole approach was to take these rabbits on their own terms, not his.... and it works, if you try, though it might take some time.
Your bunny is acting in entirely appropriate ways, given her age, as others have said. It will take spaying - and time for her hormones to settle down afterwards - for some of these things to be resolved; also time for her to grow into full adulthood.
I only have one bun, who was spayed but very much in her "teens" when I adopted her last year. Her behavior was trying for me at times, but you know - I'm sure she got frustrated with that silly human (me), too!
I think Peg is right on the money regarding personality, too - they're all individuals, and, just as with other humans, we need to work on getting to know them for themselves.