Oh MY GOD - humping

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2007
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Canton, Michigan, USA
Pepsi keeps humping Ozzy!!!!! She's been spayed for months and he's neutered but what the heck is going on???????? They;ve never done this. He just takes it like a champ and runs away aftera minute and she chases him and keeps at it. Weird?!!?!

I just don't understand and I don't want him to get mad and bite her.

Some HELP please??!?!?!?!??!
K, first thing, calm down. If they sense you being all worked up, it will only make them more skittish. Maybe make a smaller area for them to get more comforatable? If they are fighing, getting to that stage, that's not really good. Must have something to do with dominance, hormones, the surroundings, etc.

Watch and see what sets one off, per haps? I hope to hear from you soon;).

Good Luck!:hug:

hmm has anything changed in the past few days? Were you at the shelter or near any other animals?

Could just be something weird like a new smell. If you have some vanilla extract (or even a little scented lotion will work) rub your hands together and rub a little over their fur- this will help them smell similar.

Also, check Ozzy over to be sure he's not hurt or sick. For some reason, bunnies will do this if they sense a change in dominance (which can be a result of one bunny not feeling well and asserting his dominance over her). Basil used to hump Max like crazy when Max was sick :-(

You can also get a squirt bottle and squirt her with a loud "no" when she does it.
Okay I'm freakin out you guys. Should I seperate them for the night? I leave them alone in the bedroom. I went to check on them and she's laying down and he's eating hay. I'll go see if Oz looks normal. He's acting fine and she is the dominant one anyway, but I'll make sure he isn't hurt. I'm really upset. I knew bonding went too well a few months back.
Work with them with you involved a bit more, let them know you are the boss. That will help, if you are involved in the actualy bonding process. It will help the dominant one for sure, you will be dominant:D. Except for having the pen sessions. If they behave:p.

I surely wouldn't keep them together if they're not getting along totally, all the time and unsupervised;).

Just want to add: if they seem to get along mostly, don't separate them, only if they seem agrivated with each other or anything aggressive you may see. Running after the other and attacking and biting canhappen quickly too. If this happens, you'll want to separate them by putting your hand in between them (wear a glove if the buns are known to be aggressive) and pet them both.;)
I really think it was probably just a noise or a smell..

Is she still doing it? If so and its constant, you could separate them, but I wouldnt do it unless you think he will attack her because of it..
No they were just doing it in the living room. They are fine in the bedroom. He seemed like he was fine with it he never reacted to her aggresively at all. He ran away a few times though and she followed but, i mean, they are totally like it never happened now. I'm so confused. :?They've been happily married for months now...
Theyre fine then to leave together

This happens once in a while with bonded pairs. If Basil smells something different on Max (like if we go to the vet) he will hump him. Like I said, he also did it a lot when Max was sick, so keep an eye Ozzy's health.

Bonded pairs will also fight sometimes if one is scared, smells something different, etc. As long as theyre not harming eachother its fine to leave them together when these things occur. :)
Wiggles does that to Bam-Bam. She's just making sure he knows she's the boss. Try to get her to be submissive to you so that when you give her a stern tone or clap your hands she will dismount. I have managed that with Wiggles and it's been helpful.
Okay well we made it through the night. Noone got hurt. Who knows maybe they do it all the time and that's the first time I ever saw it? All I know is that the living room is off limits for a bit.

It's too bad this is happening because they have to take a little vacation at Auntie Sara's for a few days while the apartment gets fumagated. I hope that doesn't make it worse. They've been there before, and that's where Pepsi came from, so...I'll keep my fingers crossed that doesn't add fuel to the fire.

The only thing I can think of health wise is that Ozzy is losing handfuls of fur. I mean no bald spots but a TON is coming out. Could that make Pepsi crazy?
I think that Pepsi might be showing dominace. Like saying I'm in charge you deal with it!! Dogs do this to.

Or it could be that they forgot that they we're fixed, and are trying to breed. I'm not really sure.

iluvmybuns wrote:
It's too bad this is happening because they have to take a little vacation at Auntie Sara's for a few days while the apartment gets fumagated. I hope that doesn't make it worse. They've been there before, and that's where Pepsi came from, so...I'll keep my fingers crossed that doesn't add fuel to the fire.

Actually that will be good for them. They'll be a little scared and probably bond closer because of it.

I think it was probably a new smell or something that set Pepsi off. Either that or she just had to remind Ozzy who was boss ;)
I agree with Haley. The neutral territory and uncertainty of the place will surely help out. Wiggles can do this for a few days and then settles down. Just make sure that it's only humping and not aggression. As long as know one is injured, don't mingle just yet or you may make things worse. :)
Okay noone was bleeding when I got home. I let them out in the living room and there were no issues although I made them go back in the bedroom after a few minutes.

Thanks everyone, and now I feel better about taking them to Sara's
Back when I had Buddy and he was bonded with Carmel, he mounted her everyday. They were both fixed and hormones had long since dissipated, but he would still be on her.

They could be laying across the room from each other and Buddy would suddenly sit up, thump, and race over to Carmel to start humping. It could be her head, or her butt, it didn't matter to him. Sometimes she would get up and hop away, sometimes she would just sit there til he was done, and sometimes I would push him off her and tell him NO!

I asked my vet about it and she said that Carmel may have been oblivious to the fact that Buddy thought he was the dominant bun. She may have not been obeying the bunny hierarchy that Buddy was demanding. So he felt that he had to continuously remind her. But he didn't ever really bite her or anything...other than the endless mounting, they were very bonded.

It really was apitiful sight though. Carmel was so large and Buddy was tiny. He'd have to latch onto the fur on her hind end with his teeth just to hold on. And even then he would fall off midway thru.

One time, he mounted her head and really got on her to where her head was poking out thru his back legs. Then Carmel decided to get up and run, so Buddy was holding on for dear life, facing backward, piggy back on Carmel while she ran the length of the living room--crazy and an absolutely hilarious sight!:tongue


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